

篇名 正向教育:校本幸福課程的領導
並列篇名 Positive Education: Leadership of the School-based Happiness Curriculum
作者 謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)
中文摘要 正向教育是將正向心理學的理念應用於學校教育之中,引導學生創造價值與幸福的人生。正向教育在發揮學生的潛能,培養積極應對逆境的能力,為個人提供正向發展方向。因此,本研究旨在探討正向教育的發展,並分析校長正向領導校本幸福課程的策略。本研究採用內容分析法,首先分析正向教育的源起與意涵。其次,探究正向教育的模式。再則,提出正向教育的功能。最後,提出校長領導正向教育的策略,以協助校長與老師運用正向心理學策略,營造學校正向氣氛與正向關係,而能增進學生學習成效,邁向全面的幸福人生。
英文摘要 Positive Education is an ideal positive psychology which is implemented in education in order to lead students to create value and happiness in life. Positive education emphasises on fostering students’ potential, encouraging students to maintain positive attitude in adverse circumstances, and providing an individual positive progress direction. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of school positive leadership on positive education. Firstly, the new practicing trend of the school positive education was analyzed in order to understand the meaning and connotation of positive leadership. Secondly, the important influences of school positive leadership on positive education were explored. Finally, the study proposed the practices of the school positive leadership on positive education with the hope to assist the school principal & teacher to improve the leadership issue and enhance the school teaching effectiveness.
頁次 094-108
關鍵詞 正向心理學 正向教育 正向領導 幸福課程 positive leadership positive education happiness curriculum positive psychology principal leadership
卷期 298
日期 201902
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019020298006