

篇名 美國職前教師實習課程規劃之個案研究:帶給臺灣教師實習之啟示
並列篇名 A Case Study Over the Practicum Curriculum Design of the Preservice Teacher Education Programs in a U.S. University: An Inspiration to Taiwan’s Teaching Practicum Design
作者 呂秀蓮(Hsiu-Lien Lu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在藉由美國一所大學師資培育學程的教師實習課程之規劃與實務,省視臺灣教師實習的課程規劃、政策與實務。研究的問題包括:一、美國職前師資實習課程規劃有何主要面向與內涵?二、臺灣與美國職前師資實習課程規劃有何相異之處?最後,並針對臺灣職前師資實習課程規劃提出建議。本文以三角檢證的方式,蒐集個案大學的資料,包括現有和過往機構檔案文件、田野紀錄及非正式訪談;透過持續比較的分析方式,進行深入研究。個案大學課程規劃與實務資料分析結果產出五個面向:一、時段:分布在五個階段─專業前探索期、課程、實習方法一、實習方法二和教師實習─總時數超過1,000小時;二、學分數投資:包括非正式視導期兩階段12學分和正式視導期三階段的15學分,共計27學分;三、實習安置:由學經歷豐富的實習安置辦公室主任帶領,負責和夥伴學校建立關係與處理師資生安置和問題處理;四、實習視導:大學視導員和合作老師督導內涵和責任,隨師資生的學習適度做階段性的調整;五、實習工作內容:隨著師資生的學習階段,加深加廣其實習工作的內涵與責任。本文就以上五個面向,將個案的教師實習課程規劃與臺灣逐一進行比較並提出建議。除時段、學分數和安置方式不同外,個案大學的教師實習課程規劃促使師資生、合作老師和大學視導員在各自角色上善盡其責,因而促成師資生有意義、有效的實習經驗,這些發現對臺灣教師實習課程規劃有其參考價值。
英文摘要 This study was to examine the practicum curriculum design of a university’s teacher education programs in US to help resolve the problems facing Taiwan’s educational practicum. Two questions guided this study: a) What are the main dimensions of the practicum design of the case? and b) What discrepancies are there in the curriculum designs between the practicum in Taiwan and the case in America that could render recommendations to the practicum in Taiwan? This was a case study using triangulated sources of data that included current and archived institutional documents, fi eld notes and informal interviews. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative analysis method. Five dimensions resulted from the analysis, including: (1) practicum stages: there are fi ve stages of learning relevant to practicum, altogether with exceeding 1000 hours in the fi eld. (2) Investment of credit hours: they provide 27credit hours relevant to practicum, including 12 with informal supervision and 15 formal supervision. (3) Practicum placement: The placement offi ce, led by an experienced director, oversees issues such as partnerships building, placement, training and problem solving. (4) Supervision: the responsibilities of university supervisors and cooperating teachers differentiate according to the levels of student teachers’ learning. And (5) practicum tasks: student teachers increase the levels of tasks in intensity and responsibility along with the stages of learning. Discrepancies were found in the same five dimensions compared with the practicum curriculum design in Taiwan. Therefore, recommendations were rendered. Besides the differences of practicum stages, number of credit hours and placement, the practicum curriculums of the case in America are designed such that student teachers, cooperating teachers and university supervisors each have their own roles and responsibilities, which promote meaningful and effective practicum experiences. These fi ndings could be valuable considering the design of practicum curriculum in Taiwan.
頁次 109-135
關鍵詞 大學視導員 合作老師 師資生 教育實習 教師實習 cooperating teachers university supervisors student teachers educational practicum student teaching
卷期 291
日期 201807
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018070291008