篇名 新形势下民办教育宏观治理的完善与创新
並列篇名 Improvement and Innovation of Macro Governance of Non-government Education in the New Context
作者 董圣足(Dong Shengzu) 、王慧英(Wang Huiying)
中文摘要 过去一个阶段,我国民办教育宏观治理重在通过推进非营利性和营利性民办学校分类管理改革,破解政策瓶颈,支持和规范民办教育健康发展。以2018年以来国家层面系列规范性文件的出台及实施为标志,民办教育制度环境发生显著变化,民办教育宏观治理步入以鼓励公益办学为重点的全面规范期。新形势下,服务服从于教育强国建设,引导规范民办教育发展,要按照分类管理的基本架构,遵循“源头治理、综合治理、多元治理、依法治理”的总体思路,厘清治理逻辑,完善治理体系,创新治理方式,使民办教育在发展中走向制度化规范,在规范中实现高质量发展。
英文摘要 In the past decades, the macro governance of the non-government education in China has focused on promoting the reform of classified management of non-profit and for-profit non-government schools, breaking policy bottlenecks, and supporting and regulating the healthy development of the non-government education. Since 2018, many regularization documents on non-government education at the national level have been introduced, and the non-government education development environment has changed structurally. The non-government education governance has entered a standardized development period with a focus on public welfare education. In the new context, guidance and regulation of the development of the non-government education should be subject to the strategic needs of promoting the modernization of Chinese-style education and building a powerful country of education. So we should adopt overall framework for classification management, adhere to the general idea of “ source governance, comprehensive governance, diversified governance, and governance by law”, clarify the governance logic, improve the governance system, and innovate the governance methods so as to make non-government education regularized in development and achieve high-quality development in regularization.
頁次 102-111
關鍵詞 民办教育 宏观治理 分类管理 规范发展 non-government education macro-governance classified-management regularization development CSSCI
卷期 42:6
日期 202406
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.009