

篇名 馬來西亞獨立中學的發展與挑戰
並列篇名 Development and Challenges of Independent High Schools in Malaysia
作者 黃德祥(Der-Hsiang Huang) 、魏麗敏(Lee-Min Wei)
中文摘要 馬來西亞「華文獨立中學」(Chinese Independent High School),簡稱「獨中」,這 是華人所興辦、以華文為教學媒介、主要以華人學生為主體、未接受政府補助或津貼的 中等學校,目前共有62所,約八萬名學生。馬來西亞獨中基本上是歷史、移民、族群、 文化,以及經濟等相關因素激盪下的產物,也是馬來西亞歷史與現況的反映及縮影。本 文主要根據文獻及作者至獨中講學的觀察及體驗,分別探討馬來西亞獨中的發展及其與 政府的獨特關係,陳述馬來西亞董教總、董總與獨中的概況、組織與運作,以及馬來西 亞獨中的困境與挑戰,包括「伊斯蘭化」脈絡下的華文教育困境、經費困難與招生不 易、師資多元與教師專業發展受限、統一考試證書(UEC)未被承認與持續奮鬥。最後 展望馬國獨中未來發展。本文建議,在臺灣新南向教育政策中,各大學應加強對馬國獨 中的了解、支持與提攜,並積極招生;各高中職應擴大與各獨中的師生交流與互訪。在 馬國華人殷切期盼及全球華語熱的今天,馬國獨中仍擁有一片天。
英文摘要 The Malaysian “Chinese Independent High School” (referred to as “Duzhong”). This is a secondary school that is set up by the Chinese and uses Chinese as its teaching language. It mainly consists of Chinese students and has not accepted government subsidies or allowances of schools, currently a total of 62 schools with about 80,000 students The Malaysian independence school is basically a product of historical, immigration, ethnic, cultural, and economic and other related factors. It is also a reflection and epitome of Malaysia’s history and status. Based on the literature and the observations and experiences of the authors, delivering lectures for their teachers, this article discusses the development of its independence and its unique relationship with the government. It also states the general situation, organization and operation of Malaysian directors of Dong Jiao, Dong Zong and Duzhong. The dilemmas and challenges of the development in Duzhong include: the diffi culties of Chinese education in the context of “Islamization”, diffi culties in funding and enrollment difficulties, diversification of teachers and limited professional development of teachers, unanimity of the Unifi ed Examination Certifi cate (UEC), and continuous struggle. Finally, this article outlooks the Duzhong with respect to its future development. This article suggests that in Taiwan’s new education policy toward South, universities should strengthen their understanding, support, and guidance of Malaysia’s Duzhong, and actively enroll students; each high school and secondary school should expand exchanges and visits with teachers and students. In today’s hot Chinese language, Malaysian Chinese Independent High Schools still own a piece of heaven.
頁次 097-108
關鍵詞 伊斯蘭化 馬來西亞 華文獨立中學 董總 Islamisation Malaysia Chinese Independent Secondary School Dongzong
卷期 291
日期 201807
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018070291007