

篇名 臺灣推動新南向國家青年人才培育之現況與展望
並列篇名 The Status and Prospects of Young Talents of New Southern Policy in Taiwan
作者 王佑菁(Yu-Ching Wang)
中文摘要 為提升臺灣發展動能,行政院於2016年提出「新南向政策推動計畫」,期能重新定位亞太布局架構,而此波新南向政策與過往最大的差異,可謂「以人為本」的思維。人才培育是一系列的進程,而青年所具有的自由度、自主性及開創性可成為此波新南向浪潮的推力。為彰顯政府對青年族群之重視與支持,相關部會多管齊下,提供豐沛資源,在新南向政策推動即將屆滿二年的此刻,宜了解推動現況及可能挑戰,以思考下一階段的策進作為。本文將就新南向國家青年人才培育相關工作的發展可能挑戰進行討論,並提出以人才培育提升尊重理解、以青年交流營造情感認同、以單一窗口推動整合計畫,期能推展兼具育才、攬才及留才的培育廣度,並透過新南向國家事務人才的培養與交流,發展出深度的夥伴關係,促進共同的連結成長。
英文摘要 To improve the development and rethink the role of Taiwan of Asia, the Executive Yuan announced New Southern Policy in 2016. The main difference between the New Southern Policy and other southern policies in the past, would be the core of “human.” The idea of talents nurturing is a going-on process, and in the process, young people with freedom, independency, and creativity, could be the main power of the policy. The related departments of government has offered various resources to stress the highly value and support of young people. While the New Southern Policy has been initiated for nearly two years, it is worth to overview its performances and challenges, and to develop strategies of next stage. The article will discuss the development and challenges, of the New Southern Policy, and then develop strategies that to improve mutual understanding and respects through talents nurturing, to create emotional identity through interaction of young people, to promote integrated projects through single department. Hopefully to develop the breadth of talents nurturing, attracting and keeping, and the depth of partnership.
頁次 040-050
關鍵詞 人才培育 新南向政策 青年 talents nurturing New Southern Policy young people
卷期 291
日期 201807
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018070291003