篇名 指向深度学习的对话式反馈:特征、方式与策略
並列篇名 Deep Learning Oriented Dialogic Feedback: Characteristics, Approaches and Strategies
作者 蒋慧芳(JIANG Huifang) 、曾文婕(ZENG Wenjie) 、朱琦(ZHU Qi)
中文摘要 对话式反馈突破传统独白式反馈的局限,注重培养学生的高阶思维,鼓励教师、同伴、学生个体和技术互惠共生,强调学生深入参与反馈和营造师生相互信任的氛围,为深度学习提供有力支持。对话式反馈有师生对话式反馈、同伴对话式反馈、自我对话式反馈和人机对话式反馈四类,可以帮助学生深度理解反馈、支持学生协作建构知识,培养学生的自主调节能力和问题解决能力。促进深度学习的对话式反馈需通过构建深度具身反馈环境,发展教师的对话式反馈素养引导学生主动寻求反馈。
英文摘要 Dialogic feedback moves beyond traditional feedback in a monologic format with an emphasis on fostering students’ higher-order thinking and promoting a reciprocal and symbiotic engagement among teachers, peers, learners, and technology. Dialogic feedback also promotes deep student engagement and the cultivation of a trusting atmosphere between teachers and students, all of which are essential for advancing deep learning. As it has evolved, four distinct forms have developed: teacher-student dialogic feedback, peer dialogic feedback, self-dialogic feedback, and human-computer dialogic feedback. These forms of dialogic feedback help students deeply understand feedback contents, support collaborative knowledge construction, and cultivate their self-regulation and problem-solving capabilities. To effectively implement dialogic feedback that promotes deep learning, it is necessary to create a deep-embodied feedback environment, develop teachers’ dialogic feedback competencies, and guide students to proactively seek feedback for learning.
頁次 080-088
關鍵詞 对话式反馈 深度学习 反馈素养 反馈策略 人机对话 dialogic feedback deep learning feedback literacy feedback strategy human-computer dialogue CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.009