

篇名 新中国成立以来我国中小学校长培训发展:回眸与展望
並列篇名 Development of Principal Training in Primary and Secondary Schools in China since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China: Review and Prospect
作者 宋乃庆(Song Naiqing) 、肖林(Xiao Lin) 、郑智勇(Zheng Zhiyong)
中文摘要 校长培训对中小学校长队伍建设起着至关重要的作用。回眸新中国成立以来,中小学校长培训工作经历了由小到大、由重数量、规模到质量与规模并重的发展历程,在曲折中不断探索前进,经历了孕育产生期、渐进发展期、巩固完善期、质量提高期四个阶段,在培训管理、培训内容与培训方式等方面逐步完善,正在建成新时代中国特色中小学校长培训体系,实现中小学校长培训由“量”到“质”的跨越,多措并举促进乡村中小学校长培训稳步发展。展望新时代,要造就一支政治过硬、品德高尚、业务精湛、治校有方的校长队伍,我们需要深化培训管理体制机制改革,开放校长培训市场;坚持问题导向,服务教育发展重大需求;联动推进“校长工作坊”,打造地区培训品牌;加强训后跟踪指导,构建新时代校长培训质量评价标准,培养新时代具有中国特色、世界水准的中小学校长队伍。
英文摘要 Principal training plays a vital role in the construction of principals’ team in primary and secondary schools. Looking back on the history of the training of primary and secondary school principals since the founding of The People’s Republic of China, the training of primary and secondary school principals has gone through four stages, i.e. incubation, gradual development, consolidation and perfection, quality improvement, training management and training. With the gradual improvement of tolerance and training methods, a training system for primary and secondary school principals with Chinese characteristics is being built in the new era. The training for primary and secondary school principals will leap from “quantity” to “quality”, and many measures will be taken simultaneously to promote the steady development of rural primary and secondary school principals’ training. Looking forward to the new era, in order to create a team of principals with excellent political, moral character, professional skills and good governance, we need to deepen the reform of training management system and mechanism, open up the training market for principals, adhere to problem-oriented, serve the major needs of education development, and jointly promote the “principal workshop” to create regional training products. Strengthen post-training follow-up guidance, build new era principal training quality evaluation standards, and train a team of principals with Chinese characteristics and world standards.
頁次 033-039
關鍵詞 新中国 中小学 校长培训 国培计划 The People’s Republic of China Primary and Secondary Schools Principal Training National Training Program CSSCI
卷期 396
日期 202001
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社