篇名 生成式人工智能赋能数字时代育人转型
並列篇名 Generative Artificial Intelligence’s Involvement in the Transformation of Education in the Digital Age
作者 严奕峰(YAN Yifeng) 、丁杰(DING Jie) 、高赢(GAO Ying) 、戴岭(DAI Ling)
中文摘要 面对以ChatGPT、Sora为代表的生成式人工智能带来的机遇与挑战,教育需要与时俱进,推动育人理念、育人模式和育人路径的改革创新。面向未来培养新质人才,是数字时代育人价值的集中体现,未来的数字化育人将更加强调培养:跨界整合能力、人机协同能力、创意创新能力、自主决策能力、全球领导力、智能交互能力等。基于数字时代育人转型的前瞻思考,本研究提出创新育人的行动对策,包括:从知识学习到综合运用,构建跨界育人新体系;从人际协作走向人技协同,打造人机共生合成体;从知识本位到能力本位,探索创新人才培养模式;从同质发展到独特成长,架设个性化成长路径;从地方性思维到国际化视野,培养学生全球领导力;从物理空间到数字空间,创构数字孪生宇宙。本研究有助于思考生成式人工智能赋能教育的时代课题,对应用数字技术高质量育人具有启迪意义。
英文摘要 With generative artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT and Sora, education needs to promote reform and innovation in educational concepts, models, and paths. Cultivating new quality talents is central to the value of education in the digital age with more and strong emphasis on digital ability and interdisciplinary qualities, human-machine symbiosis and collaboration ability, innovative ability and higher-order thinking, core literacy and personal development, international perspective and community awareness, diverse communication, and emotional intelligence. This study proposes innovative educational action strategies, which include the process from knowledge learning to comprehensive application, cultivating students’ interdisciplinary qualities; development from passiveawareness to self-awareness, cultivating students’ human-machine collaboration ability; transforming from a knowledge-based approach to a competency-based approach, developing students’ higher-order thinking and core competencies, serving the personalized development of students; balancing local thinking with a global perspective, building students’ community awareness; working in both real-life space and digital space, and shaping students’ social-emotional intelligence.
頁次 042-048
關鍵詞 ChatGPT 生成式人工智能 数字技术 育人转型 ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence digital technology education transformation CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.005