

篇名 韓國新住民子女教育政策分析
並列篇名 An Analysis of Education Policies for Children from Multicultural Families in Korea
作者 黃月純(Yueh-Chun Huang)
中文摘要 韓國是一個民族相當單一(即朝鮮族民族)的國家,惟自2007年後外國移民人口陡增,2007年72萬名外國移民人口占所有人口1.5%,至2016年外國移民人口到達176萬名,占所有人口3.5%,10年內移民人口成長了兩倍之多。韓國稱移民人口家庭為多文化家庭(다문화가정),此種多文化家庭子女的教育,備受重視,因為最近五年(2012~2017年)全體韓國學齡人口數6~21歲,以每年18萬名減少,唯獨多文化學生數以每年一萬名以上增加。2017年調查資料顯示,多文化家庭子女父母出身國家別,以越南占26%最多,其次為中國占22%,依次為中國朝鮮族與菲律賓,各占13%與12%。可見,多文化家庭子女的父母多來自東亞與東南亞地區。而在絕大多數是單一民族的韓國生活實屬不易,韓國政府為支援多文化家庭子女的學習,近來也積極促進多元文化教育的推動,其主要焦點在對一般學校當中的教師與學生進行反偏見與相互文化理解的教育。對多文化家庭子女的教育也積極地提出相關措施與政策。另外,為了確立與保障中途入國子女與移住民密集地區學生的受教權,更特別訂定了專法。本文的目的即在探究韓國政府對多文化家庭子女教育的政策與相關教育行政與措施,做為臺灣新住民子女教育政策制定時之參考。
英文摘要 Korea is a nation with a single race. However, since 2007 there has been an increase of 720,000 immigrants, as a share of 1.5 percent of the total population. In 2016 the number of immigrants reached 1,760,000, as a share of 3.5 percent of the total population. The main reason behind of the above change is due to the increase of foreign spouses. As a result of this, education for children from the multicultural families is increasingly regarded in Korea. According to the Survey in 2017, among the children from multicultural families in Korea, in terms of nationalities of their parent, the top was Vietnam 26%, China 22% was the next, and then Chinese Korean 13% and Philippians 12%. This article is to examine how to enhance multi-cultural education for future citizenship qualities in Korea in terms of the relevant policies for children from multicultural families adapted by the government. The implications for enhancing future citizenship qualities in Taiwan are made based on the examination.
頁次 120-134
關鍵詞 新住民子女 教育政策 韓國 children from multicultural family Korea education policy
卷期 298
日期 201902
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019020298008