

篇名 核心素養與學校本位課程發展:以嘉義大學附設實驗小學為例
並列篇名 Core Competencies and School-based Curriculum Development: A Case of the Affi liated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University
作者 蔡清田(Ching-Tien Tsai) 、邱家偉(Jian-Wei Chiu)
中文摘要 本文旨在探究十二年國民基本教育課程綱要架構下,嘉義大學附屬實驗小學的學校本位課程發展,特別是核心素養的學校本位課程發展歷程及結果。尤其是,嘉義大學附屬實驗小學是十二年國民基本教育課程綱要新課程的前導學校,在這波十二年國民基本教育課程改革中,嘉義大學附屬實驗小學為了進行核心素養的學校本位課程發展,成立課程研究小駔,透過調整學校願景,規劃學校本位課程的部定課程與校訂課程架構,研究團隊更進一步設計並實施學校本位的媒體素養課程,以培養學生在十二年國民基本教育課程綱要所強調的核心素養。本文針對嘉義大學附屬實驗小學的學校本位課程發展歷程與成果,進行核心素養的學校本位課程發展之課程研究,分析探究其學校課程發展中所遭遇的困境與解決問題的實務作法,並提出結論與建議,以提供教育社群更多實務經驗參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to explore the development and its results of the core competencies and the school-based curriculum development of the Affi liated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University, under “the General Guidelines for Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year National Basic Education”. The core competencies of “lifelong learners” is the focus of “the General Guidelines for Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year National Basic Education”. The Affi liated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University was selected by the Ministry of Education as a pilot school for implementing the new curriculum of “the General Guidelines for Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year National Basic Education”. The core competencies and school-based curriculum development is crucial to curriculum reform. And the Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University organized a research-development team to adapt its school vision, and plan the ministry-mandate curriculum and its school-developed curriculum, in particular the research-development team design a school-based media literacy curriculum in the Affi liated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University, in order to cultivate student core competencies under “the General Guidelines for Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year National Basic Education”.
頁次 020-037
關鍵詞 校訂課程 核心素養 部定課程 學校本位課程發展 core competencies ministry-mandated curriculum school-developed curriculum school-based curriculum development
卷期 298
日期 201902
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019020298002