

篇名 李贽"童心说"的现代性精神特质及其教育价值
並列篇名 The Modernity Spirit of Li Zhi's Theory of Childlike Innocence and Its Educational Implication
作者 王丽(WANG Li) 、李涛(LI Tao)
中文摘要 童心说”融道家的“真心”、佛家的“本心”和儒家的“最初一念之心”于一体。真心即绝假纯真之心,自然个体人的原初之心。本心是清净的精神实体,即内心的清净无杂。最初一念之心就是天赋予人的自然之心,允许人的自利。“童心”与“婴儿之心”、明心见性、良知具有内在联系。李贽认为,做人、做文、生活都要遵循“真”字;文人应以个性创作抒发情感、欲望;也应正视“人必有私”。他倡导文艺创作的自由精神,反对道德说教,主张多听“迩言”。“童心说”的现代教育价值体现为回归人的本真、解放人的思想和倡导人的独立;从而回归教育的本真,使教育打通人性,帮助人成为自身;使学生学会思考存在性问题,促进学生自主性的充分发展。“童心说”所体现的求真原则、个体性原则、自然人性的追求等蕴藏着现代性的精神特质,如:理性、个体性、自由性等,预示着中国传统文化现代性的萌芽
英文摘要 The theory of childlike innocence integrates the sincerity of Taoism, the conscience of Buddhism and the original mind of Confucianism. The sincerity is the heart of absolute falsehood and innocence and the original heart of natural individuals. The conscience is a peace and quiet spiritual entity, that is, the inner pureness. The original minds the natural heart given to man by nature, which allows for self-interest. Childlike innocence and infant heart are intrinsically related to clearing one’s heart, finding one’s true self and conscience. Li Zhi believed that to be a human being, to write essays, and to live a life should follow the spirit of “pureness”. He argued that individuality is embodied in literati’s creation with their personality which expresses emotion, desire; “man must be private”;    He also advocated the free spirit of literary and artistic creation, opposing moralization and insisting in listening to simple and friendly words more. The childlike innocence theory brings a number of implications to modern education, which can help educators to reflect the return of human beings' true nature, the emancipation of people’s thoughts and the advocacy of human independence. It also addresses that making education understand human nature and help people become themselves and making students learn to think about existence and promote the full development of students' autonomy. The theory of childlike innocence following the principle of seeking truth, individuality and the pursuit of natural human nature embodied in Childlike Innocence reflect the spiritual characteristics of modernity, which has manifested some spiritual characteristics of modernization, such as rationality, individuality and freedom of modernity. The theory indicates the germination of the modernization of Chinese traditional culture.
頁次 120-128
關鍵詞 李贽 童心说 教育现代性 精神特质 Li Zhi childlike innocence theory modernity ethos CSSCI
卷期 16:1
日期 202002
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.01.014