

篇名 國中生手機成癮與媒體素養課程實施對學習成效之影響――以新北市偏鄉某國中為例
並列篇名 The Influence of Smartphone Addiction and Media Literacy on Learning Effectiveness: Secondary School in a Rural Area at New Taipei City as an Example
作者 吳春燕(Chun-Yen Wu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解偏鄉某國中生手機使用行為之現況,及在媒體素養教育數位學習課程後,探討手機成癮狀況與媒體素養對學習成效之影響與省思,研究場域為新北市某偏鄉國中。研究分析方法包括敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、多元迴歸分析與內容分析法。在學生使用手機行為上,研究發現學生使用手機多以娛樂目的為主,偏鄉家長因工作時間較長關係,對於學生手機管理多採開放式管理。實施課程後,透過問卷了解學生手機成癮與媒體素養狀況,結果顯示學生對手機成癮為中間偏低的程度,媒體素養為中間偏佳程度,兩者在各背景變項間並未有顯著差異。此外,再分析有關手機成癮、媒體素養與學習成效之間的關係,結果顯示手機成癮中「時間管理」向度能有效預測「生活科技」的進步表現;而媒體素養中「綜合」向度亦能有效預測「資訊科技」的進步表現。從學生省思中得到他們對於降低手機成癮與提升媒體素養的領悟,包含:多學習、減少使用手機與多方求證的重要性。最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供學校、教師、家長和學生參考。
英文摘要 This study aims to understand the current situation of smartphone use behavior of secondary school’ junior students in rural area, and after implementing the Media Literacy Education Digital Learning Course, explore the effects on reflections of students’ smartphone addiction status and media literacy level on their learning effectiveness. The research field is a rural secondary school in New Taipei City. The research analysis methods include narrative statistics, independent sample t test, multiple regression analysis and content analysis method. The results of the study found that the use of smartphone by 7th grade students in rural areas is mostly for entertainment purposes, while parents adopt open control for student mobile phone management due to their spent long working times. After the implemented the curriculum, through the questionnaire to understand the status of students’ smartphone addiction and media literacy, The results show that the smartphone addiction is middle low level, and the other hands of media literacy is the good in the middle. there is no significant difference between the two variables. In addition, analyze regarding the relationship the relationship between smartphone addiction, media literacy and learning effectiveness, the results show that the “time management” dimension in smartphone addiction can effectively predict the progress of the “life technology” subject; besides that, the “comprehensive” dimension in media literacy can effectively predict the progress of the “information technology” subject. Students understanding that the smartphone addiction controlled and improving media literacy after the reflection, as well as studying hard, reducing of smartphone usage, and seeking the verification from multiple sources. Finally, the suggestions of research result are provided as a reference for the schools, teachers, parents, and students.
頁次 129-153
關鍵詞 數位科技 媒體素養 學習成效 Digital Technology Media Literacy Learning Effectiveness
卷期 135
日期 202109
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202109_(135).0007