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篇名 客家建築元素布料創作設計
並列篇名 Hakka architecture elements applicationin creative fabric design
作者 王韻(Yun Wang) 、洪煜程(Yu-Cheng Hong)
中文摘要 客家族群乃是台灣的第二大族群,擁有自己的語言和濃厚的地方色彩,近年來政府積極推動客家文化,常見客家展覽與相關活動的視覺意象,主要以藍染與客家花布為主,客家建築元素相關的創作比較少見。本研究首先對2006年客委會客家意象創意圖案設計以及南部六堆客家建築做文獻分析;之後藉由六堆客家建築元素萃取、結合圖案特色優點,轉換出16款2D平面圖案;研究方法利用專家問卷(1)選出屏東六堆地區敬字亭、褒忠門、步月樓、馬背、回字風水、瓦鎮、馬背圖案和子孫燈等8個客家建築元素;研究者再將元素簡化後使用布料設計六大步驟創作出多款花布,再利用專家問卷(2)於每個元素設計的花布中,挑選前3名,共24款花布。研究結果期望能進一步提供更多創新的客家花布圖樣給相關設計者或設計單位應用於其他設計平臺上,如平面、服裝、室內設計或生活用品等,讓客家元素花布設計使用層面更廣泛融入生活。
英文摘要 Hakka ethnicity has its own language and local conspicuous culture which is the second large ethnicity in Taiwan. Nowadays, in order to promote Hakka culture, government not only organized twelve Hakka festivals but also holdsmany Hakka exhibitions. However, after visit exhibitions in Hakka culture parks and review the Hakka cloths literature we found there are not many clothsor cloths patternwhich can represent the Hakka culture. Itmainly uses blue dyeing cloth and Hakka flowered printed cloth. There are rare cloth which is designed by using Hakka architectures and structures elements. This research makes a further review of Hakka pattern cloths designs from the Council of Hakka Affairs in 2006. Later we selected few architectures elements fromthe Liou Duai Hakka architectureto present Hakka culture. Hakka specialists were asked to help this researchto narrow down the Liou Duai Hakka architectureelements. Totaleight elements of Hakka structures were selected whichare Jing Zi Pavilion, Bao Zhong Door, Bu Yue Building, Ma Bei, Hui Zi Feng Shui, Wa Zhen, Ma Bei Design, and Zi Sun Light. Based on these selected Hakka architecture several designpatterns were created. Afterward the rsearchused fashion design specialists questionnaire to finalize all designs to final threedesigns in each architecture element pattern. Totally twenty-four cloths pattern designs of Hakka architecture elements were selected and produced. After designing the Hakka cloth patterns, the designs were print out by using digital printed technique and an exhibition was hold in Pingtung County Hakka Museum.The results of this research offer innovative Hakka cloth to different area designers, such as graphic design, clothing, interior design or supplies etc. That is to let the usage of Hakka cloth becomes more widespread and alive, and integrate the Hakka elements into daily life.
頁次 110-127
關鍵詞 客家建築 元素 布料設計 數位印花 Hakka architecture elements cloth design digital printed
卷期 9:1
日期 201905
刊名 休閒研究
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心