

篇名 英国自由教育哲学的美丽、哀愁与淡定:约翰.怀特与五位学者的论辩
並列篇名 The Liberal Tradition of Philosophy of Education in Great Britain :The Arguments of John White with Other Five Critical Stands of Scholars
作者 简成熙(CHIEN Cheng-Hsi)
中文摘要 彼得斯及其同僚弟子在20世纪60年代立基于启蒙时代以来的自由主义传统,正式将“自主性”标举为教育目的。这不仅是当年伦敦学派很鲜明的教育主张,其所重视的理性反思也同样形塑了课程规划、教学方法、公民与道德教育,影响深远。不过,80年代以后,逐渐引起了多元的反思。怀特曾以自由主义的立场与乔娜珊、卡尔、史密斯、斯坦迪什及麦克罗荷林五位学者相互论辩。他们的论辩内容反映出英国当代教育哲学之发展具有和而不同、海纳百川的特色,分析与综合交互为用的方法论特征,及接地气的教育哲学实践性格。英国教育哲学的发展,无论对于方法论革新还是教育政策反思而言,均值得华人世界从事教育哲学的研究者参考与借鉴。
英文摘要 Based on the liberal tradition of the age of Enlightenment, the scholars of London Line, R. S. Peters and his academic peers, had advocated 4autonomy' as an educational aim since 1960s. Furthermore, the emphasis of personal or rational autonomy has had a signiticant inlluence on curriculum planning, teaching methods, as well as civic and moral education at different stages. However, numerous cri--ics have risen since 1980s. John White, representing London Line, has argued with other live critical stands of liberal tradition-R. Jonathan, W. Carr, R. Smith, P. Standish, and T. H. McLaughlin. This paper appreciates these valuable arguments and attempts to promote the methodology and the policymaking practice of Chinese philosophy of education by introducing the arguments along with theories for Chinese audiences.
頁次 003-015
關鍵詞 教育哲学 分析的教育哲学 自主性 自由主义 philosophy of education analytic philosophy of education autonomy liberalism CSSCI
卷期 16:1
日期 202002
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.01.001