

篇名 素養導向教師教育內涵建構及實踐之研究
並列篇名 Construction and Practice of Competency-Based Teacher Education
作者 吳清山(Ching-Shan Wu)
中文摘要 素養導向教育為當前中、小學教育改革重要課題之一,它改變傳統學校教育的課程、教學和評量為主的知識學習,朝向素養的學習架構,培養學生具備適應現在和未來社會所需的知識、能力和態度。教師教育因應這一波的素養導向教育改革,從職前教育到教師專業發展,邁向素養導向的教師教育,將成為驅動專業教師教育發展的一股轉化力量。本研究旨在探究素養導向教師教育的內涵和實踐,採用半結構式訪談法,分別就素養導向教師教育的價值、內涵建構、推動困難、實踐建議等方面進行資料蒐集。根據研究結果分析與討論,得到如下的結論:一、素養導向教師教育具有引導師資培育發展方向等價值;二、素養導向教師教育的內涵包括知識和技能、情意和態度、信念和價值三個向度且具有適切性;三、素養導向教師教育推動的困難,主要是來自於素養概念缺乏共識,師資培育機構因應不足等因素;四、素養導向教師教育的實踐策略,需要師資培育機構配合、中小學教師增能和教育行政機關的積極作為。
英文摘要 Competency-based education is among the most crucial topics in primary and secondary education reform. It transforms the conventional framework of curriculum, instruction, and assessment into one in which students must demonstrate that they have learned the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to adapt to contemporary and future society. In response to the competency-based education trend, a new teacher education policy is necessary for both preservice and in-service teachers. Therefore, competency-based teacher education may well be one of major transitional forces reshaping Taiwan’s professional teacher-training programs. The present study investigated the connotation and practice of competency-based teacher education. Semistructured interviews were used to collect data on the value, connotation, possible construction, and potential difficulties of competency-based teacher education, and to elicit suggestions for its implementation. On the basis of analysis and discussion of the results, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) Competency-based teacher education guides the development of professional training programs; (2) Competency-based teacher education includes three dimensions: knowledge and skills, affection and attitude, and beliefs and values; (3) Difficulties in promoting competency-based teacher education derive principally from the lack of consensus on the concept of competencies and insufficient responses from teacher-training institutions; and (4) Practical strategies for competency-based teacher education require the cooperation of teacher-training institutions, improvement of primary and secondary school teachers’ capacities, active planning, and implementation and evaluation by educational authorities.
頁次 261-293
關鍵詞 素養導向教育 素養導向教師教育 教師教育 competency-based education competency-based teacher education teacher education TSSCI
卷期 63:4
日期 201812
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.201812_63(4).0009