

篇名 影視雨水特效的分析與製作
並列篇名 Analysis and Creation of Rain Effects in Film Works
作者 楊佳穎(Chia-Ying Yang) 、周文修(Wen-Shou Chou) 、黃思彧(Szu-Yu Huang)
中文摘要 影視的雨水特效可分為電腦視覺特效與現場特效,電腦視覺特效透過電腦後製加以模擬,現場特效則於現場拍攝時加以實現,影視作品在製作過程中常見兩者並用。相較於電腦視覺特效,國內現場特效的相關文獻相當稀少。在缺乏文獻與實務經驗的窘境中,製作團隊多以水車在現場直接噴灑以製作降雨效果,隨著拍攝範圍加大,畫面所呈現的瑕疵問題也愈多。本研究除了探討影視雨水特效於現場與電腦視覺特效的製作方式外,對於需要較大範圍降雨的遠景與全景畫面進行模擬實作,以分析小成本製作團隊製作雨水特效時常見的問題並提出相關的解決辦法。
英文摘要 Rain effects in films works are created through computer vision for visual effects or physical effects. Computer vision for visual effects involves the use of computer software, whereas physical effects are accomplished during on-site shooting. Film production teams often employ both in the production process. The number of domestic studies on computer vision for visual effects is higher than that on physical effects. Due to the lack of literature and practical experience, most production teams produce rain effects by renting water trucks to spray water directly on the spot. This can create visual flaws that are particularly obvious when the shooting range increases. In addition to discussing the rain effects created through computer vision for visual effects and physical effects, this study simulated long- and full-shot scenes in which wide range of rainfall is required to analyze common problems of rain effects produced by low-budget production teams and propose corresponding solutions.
頁次 065-086
關鍵詞 雨水特效 電腦視覺特效 現場特效 rain effects computer vision for visual effects physical effects
卷期 13
日期 202010
刊名 藝術研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.3966/207035892020101300004