

篇名 志同道合,齊力斷金?-性格類聚的凝聚力對團體決策與團體迷思之影響
並列篇名 Birds of a Feather Flock Together and Break Gold Together? - Cohesion Impacts of Group Members with Resemblance in Personality on Group Decision-Making and Groupthinks
作者 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan Lin)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究異質分組與同質分組學生進行一個特定的合作學習活動的團體凝聚力、團體迷思徵狀與團體決策成效之間的關係。本研究採準實驗設計,研究對象為兩班120位大學部經營管理學系學生。對照班學生採隨機分組,實驗班學生依相似人格特質傾向分組,兩班皆進行一項分組討論活動並做出小組決策。研究結果發現:(1)兩班團體決策均比個體決策結果佳,且均有高凝聚力;(2)隨機分組的凝聚力無法預測其決策結果;(3)性格類聚分組的凝聚力對其決策結果有預測力,且團體迷思對兩者關係具部分中介效果;以及(4)高神經質與高勤勉謹慎性人格特質兼具的成員亦能創造高效能、高品質的團隊決策。本研究結果建議:(1)教師可嘗試交互採用不同的合作學習分組策略,並系統化紀錄學生團隊與個體的學習歷程,以便能在學生團隊合作學習過程中,適時有效地為他們排憂解難、提供協助,提升學生學習成效;(2)同質組團體凝聚力強,但團體迷思效應亦強,建議教師可活化教學方式,適度安排一些建設性衝突,以強化正凝聚力,讓學生更樂於分享點子、資源和發揮更佳的創造力;(3)依據團際之間成員性格優勢與弱勢的差異,給予不同的發揮空間與引導;以及(4)採用質性小組互評,深化小組合作。本研究之貢獻在於研究結果有助於未來學界與業界瞭解人格特質如何影響團體決策效能、凝聚力與團體迷思效應等實務運作,以補足國內學界在相關研究上的缺口。
英文摘要 The present study sought to explore the relationships among group cohesion, groupthinks, and group decision-making in random groupings and groupings by personality type when proceeding with a specific cooperative learning activity. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design and collected 120 samples from two classes of undergraduate students of the Department of Business Administration. The students in the controlled class were randomly grouped. Those in the experimental class were divided into groups upon their similar personality traits. In both classes a group discussion activity was conducted and students reached a group decision. The results of the study are as follows: 1) decision-making outcomes of groups were better than those of individuals for both classes; both had high group cohesion and good group decision-making outcomes; 2) there was no significant relationship between group cohesion and group decision-making outcomes among random groupings; 3) group cohesion can predict group decision-making outcomes among groupings by personality type; groupthinks partially mediated the relationships between them; and 4) group members with both high levels of neuroticism and conscientiousness traits can also create high-efficiency and high-quality group decision-making outcomes. The results suggested that: 1) teachers may consider frequently switching different cooperative learning grouping strategies, and systematically recording the learning process of groups and individuals respectively so that teachers can solve problems for and provide assistance to students in an effective and timely manner in the process of cooperative learning, and improve student learning effectiveness; 2) the homogeneous groupings had strong group cohesion but they also had strong groupthink effects. In order to increase students’ willingness to share ideas, resources, and exert greater creativity, teachers may incorporate a variety of active teaching approaches, and arrange a few constructive conflicts to enhance positive cohesion,; 3) teachers may give students free reins to develop their ideas with different types of discussion topics, materials, and guidance upon the differences in the personality strengths and weaknesses of members between groups; and 4) teachers may adopt qualitative-descriptive peer evaluations to deepen group collaboration. The present study helps academia and industry better understand practical operations of how personality traits affect group decision-making, group cohesion, and groupthinks.
頁次 041-082
關鍵詞 人格特質 準實驗設計 團體決策 團體迷思 凝聚力 cohesion group decision-making groupthink personality quasi-experimental design TSSCI
卷期 34:2
日期 202112
刊名 教育實踐與研究
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學