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篇名 德國「經驗取向」教育學術的發展脈絡、內涵與潛在底蘊
並列篇名 Empirical Orientation in German Education Science: Development, Connotations, and Potential Implications
作者 陳濼翔(Luo-Xiang Chen)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究經驗取向的教育學術在德國的發展脈絡、當前內涵與潛在底蘊。為達此目的,首先說明德國的教育學術作為一個自主的學門,在名稱上有教育學(Pädagogik)、教育科學(Erziehungswissenschaft)、陶冶科學(Bildungswissenschaft)等多樣性。其次,引介當前德國教育學門的結構,並呈現「經驗的陶冶研究」雖未佔據主要位置,但自千禧年以來,其影響力已涉及德國教育學術學門名稱之變遷。第三,本研究呈現德國「經驗取向」教育學術的發展脈絡,及其在1960年代(代表學者Roth)和2000年左右(受Brezinka以及晚近部分學者的影響)所發生的兩次重大轉向。接著,本研究指出,不論是在「精神科學教育學」或是在Herbart的傳統中(經由Benner的延伸),皆可看到「經驗取向」與Bildung概念有深層的聯繫。最後,兼及提醒,「經驗的陶冶研究」在涉入政策制定的過程與實踐時,應反思在多大的程度上是比較適切的,藉以盡可能避免「證據本位的控制」之缺失。
英文摘要 This study investigated the development of the empirical orientation in German Education Science. Initially, the author characterized German Education Science as an autonomous academic discipline known variably as “Pedagogics” (Pädagogik), “Education Science” (Erziehungswissenschaft), and “Bildung’s Science” (Bildungswissenschaft). The study then investigated the current structure of the field, highlighting that despite empirical educational research (empirische Bildungsforschung) not being the predominant methodology, its influence in the new millennium instigated a change in the field’s designation. The exploration of the two decisive “empirical turns” in German Education Science in the 1960s, attributed to Roth, and around 2000, associated with Brezinka and contemporaries, illustrates this evolution. A strong connection was observed between the empirical orientation and the concept of Bildung within both the humanistic Education Science (especially Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik) and in the Herbart tradition, exemplified by scholars such as Benner. The study recommends considering the implications of integrating empirical findings into policy-making processes, with a focus on mitigating the pitfalls of evidence-based governance.
頁次 043-079
關鍵詞 教育科學 經驗的陶冶研究 學術學門 education science empirical educational research academic discipline TSSCI
卷期 61
日期 202312
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.53106/156335272023120061002