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篇名 美国反欺凌课程探析——以“第二步”项目课程为例
並列篇名 Exploration of American Anti-bullying Program - Taking "Second Step" as an Example
作者 何二林(HE Erlin) 、王琳琳(WANG Linlin)
中文摘要 美国“第二步”(Second Step)项目课程作为预防欺凌的一个典范在美国、澳大利亚、德国、挪威等70多个国家的中小学推广。该课程以提高学生同理心、情绪管理能力以及控制冲动和解决问题的能力为目标取向。课程内容组织具有螺旋式和顺序性的特点,学前教育阶段主要聚焦个体认知与社会情感能力的发展,小学阶段关注学生互动中的认知行为,初中阶段注重学生的批判性思维和社会价值。教学实施过程包括热身活动、故事和讨论、角色扮演以及学习迁移四个环节。儿童委员会组织、校领导、家长与教师的全面参与是课程实施的重要保障。
英文摘要 As a model of bullying prevention, the Second Step curriculum originated in the United States has been translated into many languages and promoted in primary and secondary schools in more than 70 countries, including the United States, Australia, Germany and Norway. The curriculum aims to improve students1 ability of empathy, emotion management, impulse control and problem solving. The organization characteristics of the curriculum content are spiral and sequential. The content of preschool education mainly focuses on the development of individual cognition and social emotional ability, and the content of primary school focuses on students' cognitive behavior in interaction, and the content of middle school focuses on students' critical thinking and social value. There are four steps of curriculum implantation including warm-up, story and discussion, role playing and learning transfer. The organization of children's committee and the full participation of school leaders, parents and teachers are the important guarantee for curriculum implementation.
頁次 091-097
關鍵詞 校园欺凌 “第二步”项目课程 认知能力 school bullying Second Step curriculum cognitive ability CSSCI
卷期 42:5
日期 202005
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所