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篇名 英國IB課程的現況發展與挑戰
並列篇名 The Implementation and Related Challenges of IB Programs in the United Kingdom
作者 陳怡如(Dorothy I-Ru Chen)
中文摘要 總部位於瑞士日內瓦的國際文憑(International Baccalaureate, IB)成立於1968年,其設計並推行適合3-19歲學生的四類國際教育課程,通行於世界多國。時至今日,全球共160個國家的5,644所學校實施IB課程,影響力不可謂不大。本文探討國際文憑課程在英國的實施歷程、現狀與面臨的挑戰,特別是與大學入學相關的DP課程。英國DP課程最早出現於1976年,因為政府對國際教育的重視以及本國中學課程缺失,英國IB(主要為DP)課程在2005年後開始大量增長,在2010年時到達高峰,當時共有230所學校提供IB課程。但是,受到政策更動、課程本身性質與市場競爭等因素影響,實施學校數開始減少,目前,英國剩下137所中小學仍提供IB課程,其中過半數(75所)為私立學校,且以提供DP課程為最大宗。臺灣本地私立學校遲至2010年才有第一所學校提供IB課程,公立學校則是遲至2021年,在提供IB課程的15所學校中,有三所為公立學校。有鑑於英國的IB課程發展早於臺灣,本文探討英國的經驗以供臺灣教育主管機構與學界參考。
英文摘要 The International Baccalaureate (IB), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, was established in 1968. It designs and implements four types of international education programmes, suitable for students aged 3-19. Today, these programmes enjoy considerable popularity worldwide. In total, 5,644 schools in 160 countries around the world have implemented the IB Programmes (International Baccalaureate, n.d.-a). This article explores the development, current implementation and challenges of the IB Programmes in the UK, especially the DP which is closely linked to university admissions. The DP in the UK first appeared in 1976. Because of the government’s emphasis on international education and the problems of local qualifications, the DP began to grow substantially after 2005, and reached its peak in 2010, when a total of 230 schools offered IB courses. However, due to factors such as policy changes, the nature of the course itself, and market competition, the number of IB schools began to decrease. Today, a total of 137 primary and secondary schools in the UK still offer IB courses, of which more than half (75) are private schools. The DP is the most popular choice among all. In Taiwan, local private schools did not offer IB Programmes until 2010, and public schools only started to do so in 2021. Among 15 schools currently offering IB courses, 3 of them are public schools. The development of the IB Programmes in the UK is earlier than that in Taiwan. In view of this, this article discusses the experience of the UK for the reference of Taiwan’s implementation of IB Programmes.
頁次 004-020
關鍵詞 英國 國際文憑 國際文憑大學預科課程 United Kingdom International Baccalaureate IB Diploma Programme
卷期 345
日期 202301
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602023010345001