

篇名 復甦與沉寂:重探1950年代的「新世界劇運」
並列篇名 Revival and Silence: Revisiting the “New World Drama Movement” in the 1950s
作者 羅揚(Lo, Yang)
中文摘要 1956年所舉辦的「新世界劇運」(1956.2∼1957.6)是國民政府遷臺後首次推行的大型戲劇運動,不僅由政府規劃新世界戲院作為固定的演出場域,先後更是演出了15檔的國語話劇。新世界劇運雖然僅僅維持一年半載,卻讓1950年代的國語劇壇得以短暫地復甦。可惜的是,新世界劇運所掀起的波瀾隨著中央話劇運動推行委員會的解散而終歸沉寂。有鑑於新世界劇運作為官方所扶植的戲劇運動,卻未得到應有的關注及研究,本文期透過梳理新世界劇運興衰成敗的前因後果、官方組織的作為及態度、實際演出狀況及戲劇評論等面向,提供讀者對於1950年代全新的理解。本文企圖避開先入為主的歷史評價,透過忠實地描述歷史的進程,仔細追尋歷史的前因後果,並站在宏觀的視角賦予其時代的理解,進而建構出立體的、多元的歷史觀點。藉由重新檢視「新世界劇運」所產生的實質效應與迴響,或許可以打破當代戲劇學者對於臺灣1950年代戲劇史的刻板印象,本文並試圖與過於刻板化、簡單化的歷史書寫,開展對話的空間及補正的可能,以更寬廣的視角來理解臺灣1950年代的戲劇發展。
英文摘要 The “New World Drama Movement” (February 1956~June 1957), held in 1956, was the first large-scale theater movement promoted by the National Government of the Republic of China after its relocation to Taiwan. When the government arranged the New World Theatre as a fixed performance venue, 15 Chinese dramas were performed in succession. Although the New World Drama Movement lasted only a year or so, it briefly revitalized the Chinese drama scene in the 1950s. However, unfortunately, the movement set off by the New World Drama Movement soon dissipated. As an officially sponsored drama movement, the New World Drama Movement has not received the attention and research it deserves. To rectify this omission, this paper reviews the causes and consequences of the rise and fall of the New World Drama Movement, the actions and attitudes of official organizations, and the actual performances and drama reviews, with the aim of presenting a brand-new understanding of 1950s drama in Taiwan. In this paper, preconceived historical evaluations are avoided. Instead, historical events are faithfully described, while historical causes and effects are carefully investigated. An understanding of the era is presented from a macro perspective, and a three-dimensional, plural historical perspective is proposed. The substantive effects and repercussions of the “New World Drama Movement” are examined, in order to break the stereotypes of contemporary drama scholars about the drama history of Taiwan in the 1950s, and amend previous over-simplified historical writings, thus helping us understand the development of drama in this period from a broader perspective.
頁次 085-132
關鍵詞 中央話劇運動推行委員會 李曼瑰 國語話劇 新世界劇運 New World Drama Movement Chinese drama Li Man-Guy Central Drama Movement Promotion Committee
卷期 39
日期 202007
刊名 藝術評論
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學
DOI 10.3966/101562402020070039003