

篇名 香港初中及臺灣國中的歷史知識課程之比較研究
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on History Knowledge Curriculum of Junior High Schools in Hong Kong and Taiwan
作者 羅永業(Wing-Yip Law)
中文摘要 香港與臺灣同為世界上少數以華人為主而又與中國大陸實施不同教育體制的地區之一。兩地近年來在社會、經濟、政治等各方面皆受到中國因素的影響,巧合的是兩地分別於2019年及2020年推行新的初中(國中)歷史知識課程改革;兩地的課程改革同樣受到當地,以及世界各地媒體、學者的關注。因此,本研究的目的在於透過G. Bereday的比較教育研究法,以兩地的歷史知識課程大綱(綱要)為資料文件,進行分析與比較,探討兩地課程在架構、授課時間與內容上的異同,以及異同的原因。主要研究發現包括:一、臺灣的課程在課程架構上較明確,授課時間較香港更為重視本土史;二、內容方面,兩地課程內容在中國史及本土史上皆有明顯差異,世界史的差異較少;三、兩地課程的差異與社會環境有關,更與政府的主張有關,可見兩地課程皆無法擺脫社會政治因素的影響。本研究最後提出兩點建議:一、教科書編寫者在編寫教科書時要注意承載了什麼意識形態;二、後續研究者可進一步就歷史教科書及歷史科教師的教學進行研究。
英文摘要 Hong Kong and Taiwan are one of the few regions in the world that are dominated by Chinese and implement a totally different education system from mainland China, including an independent school curriculum. In recent years, the two places have been affected by “Chinese factors” in social, economic, political and other aspects. Coincidentally, Taiwan and Hong Kong have also implemented new junior high school history knowledge curriculum reforms in 2019 and 2020 respectively. The curriculum reforms in the two places have also attracted the attention of media and scholars form local and the world. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use the comparative education research method proposed by G. Bereday to analyze and compare the history knowledge curriculum outlines of Hong Kong and Taiwan. This study will explore the similarities and differences in the structure, hours and content of the curriculum in the two places, as well as the reasons behind the similarities and differences. This study indicates the following discoveries: 1. Taiwan is relatively clear in terms of curriculum structure; it also pays more attention to local history than Hong Kong in curriculum duration. 2. In terms of content, there are significant differences in the content of the two courses in Chinese history and local history, and there are fewer differences in world history. 3. The differences between the curriculum of the two places is related to the social environment, and more importantly to the position of the government which means that the curriculum of the two places cannot escape the influence of social and political factors. The present study proposed two suggestions: 1. Textbook writers should pay attention to what ideology is carried when writing textbooks. 2. Researchers can conduct further study on history textbooks and the teaching of history teachers.
頁次 067-105
關鍵詞 香港 國中 臺灣 課程改革 歷史知識課程 Hong Kong junior high school Taiwan curriculum reform history knowledge curriculum
卷期 94
日期 202305
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582023050094003