

篇名 我國小學學生的大數據學習資料分析研究:以英文字彙自主學習為例
並列篇名 The Study of Big Data Learning Analytics in the Elementary School Students in Taiwan: Autonomy Learning of English Vocabularies
作者 何宏發(Hong-Fa Ho) 、陳清煌(Ching-Huang Chen)
中文摘要 互聯網及大數據應用與教育的關聯日益密切,運用數位學習平臺引導學生自主學習,數位平臺學習有利累積海量的數據資料,藉由分析學生學習資料以了解其學習行為,提升教學質量及學生的學習效能,本研究分析小學學生以互聯網方式的自主學習,進行英文單字詞的記憶學習,以大數據的學習資料分析方式,使用數據聚合及數據挖掘來了解一段時間內的趨勢和評估指標。研究發現:一、學習的性別男性比例高於女性;二、有明顯超前學習的趨勢;三、寒暑假期間自主學習的比例高於其他時間;四、星期日及星期一是一週的學習高峰期,一天有四段學習的高峰期,每次學習週期以3分鐘以內為多數;五、影響已學單字總數量的關鍵因素是今天需複習單字總數量。本研究對象為小學學生,學習系統的使用並非免費的資源,需支付使用費用及《個人資料保護法》的限制,增加資料分析的困難度,研究結果的推論受到一定的限制。
英文摘要 The relationship of education and the internet and big data application was more closed. To conduct autonomy learning by using e-learning platform had benefits to accumulate the great amount data. To understand and comprehension learning analytics by analyzing the measuring could promote the quantity and quality of teaching behaviors and learning analytics of the elementary students. The study was to understand the learning of memory of English vocabularies by autonomy-learning in internet of the elementary school students. To understand the trend evaluated indicators by data converge and mining which analyzed by descripted methods. Findings, the first, the amount of gender of learning was males more than females. The secondary, the learning trend was to jump a year. The third, the learning analytics proportion was higher in January- February and July-August vocation than other months. The fourth, the Sunday and Monday were the peak in a week. There was rush hours in four period time in a day. In three minutes was majority in every learning period. A key factor affecting the total number of words learned is the total number of words to review today. Limitation: The study objects were elementary school students, the learning-analytics system was covered the costs, and the data were protected by computer-processed Personal Data Protection Law, which increased difficultly in the data analyzing. The reasoned conclusions of the study were limited.
頁次 081-108
關鍵詞 大數據 自主學習 學習資料分析 big data autonomy learning learning analytics TSSCI
卷期 13:3
日期 202107
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2021071303004