

篇名 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要發展與審議歷程之探究
並列篇名 An Inquiry into the Development and Review Process of the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines
作者 方德隆(Der-Long Fang)
中文摘要 1998年《九年一貫課程綱要總綱》公布後,課程綱要便取代國中小課程標準,成為學校實施教學活動的主要依據。而2014年十二年國民基本教育實施之後,後期中等教育階段普通型高中、技術型高中及綜合高中課程綱要也納入國民教育課程政策的範圍,故十二年國民基本教育課程綱要需要有完整發展機制。過去臺灣各教育階段課程綱要或標準的修訂和審議,皆由教育部業務單位統籌,配合十二年國教的推動,臺灣課程綱要的發展已由常設性的國家教育研究院課程及教學研究中心主導,課程審議工作則由教育部主政。其中,課程及教學研究中心規劃的機制主要由「十二年國民基本教育課程研究發展會」和「十二年國民基本教育課程總綱研修小組」兩者組成;課程審議則是教育部設高級中等以下學校課程審議會,課審會分為審議大會及分組審議會,從2016年開始到2018年才完成審議程序。由此可見,建構一套全新的課程研修與審議模式確實不容易且相當重要。本文探討臺灣在十二年國教的政策下,國家整體的課程發展歷程,包括課程研修及課程審議兩個面向。本文首先探討促成國家教育研究院主導課程綱要研修的背景因素;其次,以課程綱要研修與審議為範疇,分析課程研修與審議機制的設計與運作,並探究其合理性及技術面。
英文摘要 After the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines had been promulgated in 1998, curriculum “standard” was replaced by curriculum guidelines, which became the primary principles for teaching activities at the elementary and junior high school. When the policy of 12-Year Basic Education were implemented, the curriculum guidelines of the secondary general, vocational and comprehensive schools were all included in the same scope of curriculum development, signifying the need for a unified mechanism of Grade 1-12 curriculum development. The development of elementary, junior high and senior high school curriculum standards or guidelines in Taiwan were delegated to Ministry of Education (MOE) in the administrative model. Meeting the call for a stationary institution for curriculum development, the National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) and its related unit, the Center for Curriculum and Instruction Research were established to be in charge of the curriculum development at the national level. The programs developed and proposed by NAER were reviewed by Curriculum Review Committee appointed by MOE. The Center for Curriculum and Instruction Research organized two important units, including 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Research and Development Committee and 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines Task Force for the General Outline. Curriculum Review Committee for elementary and secondary schools was organized by MOE, which were further developed as the General Curriculum Review Committee and separate committees for elementary, junior high, senior high and vocational school curriculum review committees. The prolonged procedures of curriculum review were completed within 2016-2018. This paper intends to explore the binary development and review processes at the national level under the policy of 12-Year Basic Education. First of all, this paper described the background of the role of curriculum development played by NAER at the national level. Secondly, the development and review processes of curriculum guidelines were examined in terms of its purposive as well as technical rationality. Finally, problems raised in the historical curriculum development and review systems in Taiwan were proposed, analyzed and discussed for further inquiry.
頁次 056-078
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育 課程綱要發展 課程審議 12-Year Basic Education development of curriculum guidelines curriculum review
卷期 298
日期 201902
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019020298004