

篇名 新課綱下學校中階雙歧領導任務之挑戰
並列篇名 The Challenge of Middle Managers’ Ambidextrous Tasks Under the New Curriculum Guidelines
作者 鄭彩鳳(Tsai-Feng Cheng) 、黃宏文(Hung-Wen Huang)
中文摘要 為符應學校多面向的發展策略及複雜的領導情境,學校中階領導者扮演承上啟下的關鍵性角色,在提高課程改革成效及落實課程改革理想上,深具意義。本文首先從新課綱下學校課程領導進行探討,再引進管理學中雙歧理論觀點,轉化應用於學校領導情境,探討學校中階領導者居中之角色與權衡組織複合領導情境所開展之雙歧領導任務,以釐清學校中階領導者於當前新課綱課程變革之意義與挑戰,實踐課程領導之角色與作為。本文最後提出:一、雙歧理論可轉化應用與學校領導情境;二、學校中階領導者兼具應用與探索的雙歧領導任務;三、學校中階領導課程發展任務有助於目標推動與價值澄清;四、學校中階領導者為落實新課綱課程改革實踐之關鍵。
英文摘要 In order to support the schools’ various development strategies and adapt to complex leadership situations, the middle managers play an important role to enhance the success of curriculum reform. Specifically, the curriculum leadership of the new curriculum guidelines for 12-year compulsory education was discussed first. Then, the point of view of the ambidexterity theory to school leadership situations was discussed, and the role and behavior of middle managers to implement curriculum leadership were clarified. And finally, the findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The ambidexterity theory can apply to the school leadership situations. 2. The middle managers of schools have both exploitative and exploratory leader tasks. 3. The ambidextrous tasks of middle managers contribute to the accomplishment of curriculum development. 4. The middle managers of schools are the key of curriculum implementation.
頁次 046-061
關鍵詞 中階領導 課程領導 雙歧領導任務 middle managers’ leadership curriculum leadership ambidextrous leadership tasks
卷期 304
日期 201908
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019080304004