

篇名 日本地方創生政策與文部科學省作為之解析
並列篇名 The Exploration in Japanese Placemaking Policy and the Act of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
作者 梁忠銘(Chung-Ming Liang)
中文摘要 本研究透過文獻研究,解析日本於2012年第二次安倍內閣提出「地方創生」的概念,並於2014年制定《町、人、工作、創生法》,以及文部科學省於2015年透過其中央教育審議會提出的諮詢報告《有關面對新時代教育與實現地方創生學校與地域之合作共生與今後推進執行方法策略》。主要目的首在探討日本「地方創生」和《町、人、工作、創生法》的內涵為何?其次探討《有關面對新時代教育與實現地方創生學校與地域之合作共生與今後推進執行方法策略》的重點為何?掌握日本主管教育的最高部門─文部科學省因應時代趨勢,針對學校教育如何配合地方創生的實現、學校與地域如何合作的應有方案及其推行發展的之方策。研究結論認為,「地方創生」以「創造美好生活環境」、「提供生活基本條件」、「建構結婚育兒環境」、「工作與生活融和」、「創造魅力就業機會」、「確保效率行政營運」、「全國一體共同努力」七個核心理念,做為政策規劃的主軸,透過在地創新、創業與創生思維,打造年輕人根留在地,發展鄉里生機,延續文化傳統。同時,學校教育體系應該扮演積極角色,在日常教育中,教導學生深入了解自我文化的特質,認識特殊的歷史定位,體認國家在國際社會的特殊處境,並喚醒國家意識,正視自己對國家和自我鄉里發展的責任,承接國家社會面臨的衝擊和競爭,賦予下一個世代足以因應競爭與生活的能力。值得臺灣參考。
英文摘要 This research is to analyze the concept of “Placemaking” raised by the Second Abe Cabinet in December 2012 in Japan and then the enactment of “Town, People, Job, Placemaking Act (Law No. 136)”, and the Consultation Report, released in 2015, “The collaboration of schools and regions for implementing the education in new age and regional empowerment and the future approaches and strategies” by the Central Council for Education, an affiliated organization of the MEXT in Japan. Through the analyzing, the first we would like to explore the contents of “Placemaking” in Japan and the enactment of “Town, People, Job, Placemaking Act (Law No. 136); secondly, it explores what are the focuses of “The collaboration of schools and regions for implementing the education in new age and regional empowerment and the future approaches and strategies” to keep up with the policies made by the MEXT, the highest authority in charge of education in Japan, for the implementation of placemaking by the education in school, coping with the trend of the modern age, and the program of the cooperation between schools and local regions as well as its carry out and development. It is concluded that the MEXT in Japan has planned aggressively and proposed the more specific policy of “Regional Empowerment” which highlights the respect for foreign culture, the passion for domestic culture and traditions, the understanding for home, social life, and work, to implement the education of arts with subjectivity and creativity. Under the background mentioned above, the schools in education system shall be more aggressively guide the students in having an in-depth understanding in the features of self-culture, knowing the specific positioning of history and the special situation in global of our country, awakening the country identity and recognizing the responsibilities for the country and the development of self-own neighborhood, accepting the impact and competition that our country and society are facing, and then enabling the next generation to cope with the competition and life.
頁次 112-125
關鍵詞 文部科學省 地方創生 教育政策 創生法 MEXT placemaking education policy Placemaking Act
卷期 304
日期 201908
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019080304008