

篇名 人格塑造与天赋发掘:中小学教育教学的有为与无为——兼议教育内卷化的教育哲学问题
並列篇名 Personality Shaping and Talent Exploration: Action and Inaction of Education and Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools —On the Educational Philosophy of Educational Involution
作者 冉亚辉(Ran Yahui)
中文摘要 人格教育是学校能够对所有青少年实施高质量培养的教育领域,中小学教育教学应当重点有为。但学科知识教学领域与学生天赋密切相关,中小学教育教学不可过度强势作为,应当有所不为。学校教育教学在人格教育和学科知识教学两个领域,内在的工作理念应有所差异。在人格教育领域,应当采取塑造的教育哲学,确保青少年人格素养的正确和健康。在学科知识教学领域,应当采取发掘的教育哲学,理解并尊重学生个体天赋差异,接受学校教育的必要限度。
英文摘要 Personality education is an educational field in which schools can implement high-quality training for all adolescents, and primary and secondary schools should focus on making progress. However, the field of subject knowledge teaching is closely related to students’ talents, and primary and secondary schools should not be overly dominant in their actions, but rather moderate in their actions. In the two fields of personality education and subject knowledge teaching, the internal working concept of school education and teaching should be different. In the field of personality education, we should adhere to the shaping educational philosophy to ensure the correctness and health of teenagers’ personality quality. In the field of subject knowledge teaching, we should adopt the educational philosophy of exploration, understand and respect the differences of students’ individual talents, and the necessary limit of receiving school education.
頁次 016-022
關鍵詞 中小学 教育教学 塑造 发掘 天赋 primary and secondary schools education and teaching shaping explore talent CSSCI
卷期 445
日期 202402
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社