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篇名 英国近十年来教育史研究状况和特征分析——以“英国教育史学会”及其核心期刊《教育史》为对象
並列篇名 Research Situation and Characteristics of the History of Education in the UK in Recent Ten Years: An Analysis on the History of Education Society (UK) and the Journal of History of Education
作者 李安琪(LI An-qi) 、洪明(HONG Ming)
中文摘要 作为学术交流与资源共享的权威性平台,英国教育史学会在成员互动、奖项设置、新闻宣传、组织培训等方面呈现出新的发展面貌。基于对学会下设的《教育史》杂志的刊文进行发文数量、发文时间段、关注地域、研究主题四个方面内容的分析,可归纳出近十年英国教育史研究关注的前沿和热点问题。总的来说,近年来英国教育史研究呈现出以下特点:研究的组织化和机构化加深;研究不断加强边缘与中心、个人与整体的互动;积极开展跨国、跨文化交流与研究。
英文摘要 As an authoritative platform of academic exchange and sharing resources, History of Education Society (HES-UK) has shown new development momentum in terms of membership and interaction, award setting, news publicity, and organizational training. Based on the statistical analysis of the articles of the journal of the History of Education published by the HES-UK from four aspects including the number of published articles, the time period of publication, the highly concerned regions, and research topics, we can summarize the frontiers and hot issues of the research on the history of British education in the past 10 years. To sum up, in recent years, the study of education history in the UK has reflected the following characteristics: the more deeper about organization and institutionalization of research; the research has continuously strengthened the interaction between the edge and the center, and between the individual and the whole; actively carried out cross-border and cross-cultural exchanges and research.
頁次 118-128
關鍵詞 教育史研究 英国教育史学会 《教育史》 性别与教育 教育与民族国家 research on history of education History of Education Society (UK) the journal of History of Education gender and education education and national state CSSCI
卷期 16:3
日期 202006
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.03.013