

篇名 研究生和大學生的學生評鑑教師教學分數真的要一起比較嗎?傾向值結構方程模型分析
並列篇名 Graduate Student in SRI Can Really Compare with the University Student? Propensity Score Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling
作者 曾明基(Ming-Chi Tseng)
中文摘要 本研究主要透過傾向值結構方程模型,探討研究生和大學生的學生評鑑教師教學分數是否應放在一起比較,抑或是分開比較。本研究以臺灣東部某大學為研究對象,調查的班級數計有227班,其中研究生有38班,共322人,大學生有189班,共6,280人。首先透過蒐集研究生和大學生在學生評鑑教師教學的相關背景變項,進行傾向值估計。當傾向值符合假定且達到共變項平衡後,進行研究生和大學生的學生評鑑教師教學分數比較。研究發現,研究生的評鑑教師教學分數,確實較大學生高。且敏感性分析也指出,研究生給分高於大學生的結果穩定。因此,當進行學生評鑑教師教學時,不應合併研究生和大學生的評鑑教師教學分數共同進行比較,以免發生評鑑不公平的現象,進而影響大學教師的升遷、開課和彈性薪資。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study uses propensity score analysis with structural equation modeling to explore whether graduate student in student ratings of instruction (SRI) can really compare with the university student. The sample consisted of 227 classes from a university on the east coast of Taiwan, including 38 graduate classes with a total of 322 students, and 189 undergraduate classes with a total of 6,280 students. Propensity score analysis is carried out by collecting the relevant background variables of graduate student and college student in SRI. When the propensity score meets the assumptions and reaches the covariate balance, a comparison of the SRI scores of graduate student and college student is carried out. The study found that graduate student did give higher score on SRI than college student. The sensitivity analysis also pointed out that the result was stable. Therefore, when conducting student evaluation of teacher teaching, the SRI scores of graduate student and college student should not be combined for comparison, so as to avoid the phenomenon of unfair evaluation, which will affect the promotion, course opening and flexible salary of university teachers.
頁次 035-057
關鍵詞 敏感性分析 結構方程模型 傾向值 學生評鑑教師教學 sensitivity analysis structural equation modeling propensity score analysis student ratings of instruction TSSCI
卷期 45:2
日期 202206
刊名 教育與心理研究
出版單位 國立政治大學教育學院
DOI 10.53106/102498852022064502002