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篇名 以現象學探究課綱為本創客統整課程與實踐下的師生經驗
並列篇名 A Phenomenological Study on Teacher and Student Experiences in a Standards-based Integrated Maker Course Design and Instruction
作者 許玉華(Yuhua Hsu) 、呂秀蓮(Hsiu-Lien Lu)
中文摘要 本現象學研究旨在探討參與者在一門創客統整課程中,師生共同歷經的經驗,並詮釋這些經驗對參與者所產生的普遍意義。該課程以課綱為核心,運用S2設計數學、資訊和藝術的創客統整課程。本研究收集並分析四位高中教師的課程計畫、設計和教學影片、訪談,以及15位學生的學習作品、照片、期末問卷,以及開放式反思回饋。研究結果顯示,S2創客統整課程經驗轉變了教師對課程和教學的觀點和能力,激發了正向而積極的專業態度;此外,S2課程學習使學生在知識、技能、態度和價值觀的學習上更為扎實,使學習變得更有成就感、趣味性,且更易於掌握。
英文摘要 This phenomenological study aims to explore the shared experiences of participants in a maker-integrated curriculum, interpreting the meanings generated by these experiences. The curriculum, centered around the Curriculum Guidelines, employs SSCD to design a maker-integrated course in mathematics, information technology, and the arts. The research collects and analyzes curriculum plans, designs, and instructional videos from four high school teachers, as well as interviews, learning artifacts, photos from task performances, end-of-term questionnaires, and open-ended reflective feedback from 15 students. The results indicate that the SSCD maker-integrated course experience transforms teachers' perspectives and capabilities in curriculum and instruction, fostering a positive and proactive professional attitude. Furthermore, SSCD course learning enables students to develop a more solid foundation in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, making learning more fulfilling, enjoyable, and accessible.
頁次 163-200
關鍵詞 統整課程 創客教育 課綱為本課程設計系統 S2 現象學研究 integrated curriculum maker education system of standards-based curriculum design SSCD phenomenological study TSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 202404
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202404_27(2).0006