

篇名 妥瑞氏症兒童認知行為、教學策略與運動介入之探討
並列篇名 Cognitive Behavior, Teaching Strategy and Exercise Intervention in Children with Tourette Syndrome
作者 曾子綺(Tzu-Chi Tseng) 、詹元碩(Yuan-Shuo Chan)
中文摘要 妥瑞氏症是學齡兒童常見的慢性神經發展疾病,雖然不會危害生命及健康,但長期不可控的抽動症狀可能導致生活品質降低與人際互動困擾,且妥瑞氏症經常合併注意力不足過動症、強迫症等精神疾患,影響兒童之人際關係、學業、自我價值感。目前還未確切找出造成妥瑞氏症的原因與神經生理機制,服用藥物又經常有令人擔憂的副作用,因此本文回顧國內外針對妥瑞氏症相關的介入方式,統整歸納認知行為療法、教學策略、身體運動等教學介入策略,以提供教師們能夠更加了解妥瑞氏症以及能夠採取相關措施來減緩妥瑞氏症兒童之問題行為,協助提升妥瑞氏症兒童之學習效能及生活品質。
英文摘要 Tourette syndrome is a common chronic neurodevelopmental disease in school-aged children. Although it does not endanger life and health, long-term uncontrollable tic symptoms may lead to reduced quality of life and interpersonal disturbances. Tourette syndrome is frequently coexisted along with mental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This situation greatly affects children's interpersonal relationships, academics, and self-worth. The cause and neurophysiological mechanism of Tourette syndrome have not yet been identified, and taking drugs often has worrisome side effects. Therefore, this paper reviews the intervention methods related to Tourette syndrome at home and abroad and summarizes teaching intervention strategies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching strategies, and physical activities. The research aims to provide teachers with a better understanding of Tourette syndrome and to take relevant measures to alleviate the problem behaviors of Tourette's children in order to help improve the learning efficiency and quality of life of children with Tourette's.
頁次 025-036
關鍵詞 適應體育 神經生理 身體活動 教學策略 adapted physical education neurophysiological physical activity teaching strategies
卷期 165
日期 202212
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202212_(165).25-36