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篇名 培育關鍵能力:打造未來高素質人才
並列篇名 Developing the Crucial Capabilities: The Cultivation of High Qualifi cation Talents in the Future
作者 陳振遠(Roger Cheng-Yuan Chen) 、許文瑞(Wen-Ray Hsu) 、鍾美惠(Mei-Hui Chung)
中文摘要 在AI時代的迅速變遷、全球化競爭、產業結構變化、未來社會及人口結構的衝擊下,對於未來大學之轉型發展應有更多元的想像及趨勢分析,並應重新思考須培育大學生哪些關鍵能力、如何打造高素質人才之相關策略,讓學生的關鍵能力進一步促發主動學習及終身學習。本文析述未來社會的衝擊,探討近年來臺灣高等教育政策之轉型重點特色,進而從高等教育機構開設跨域學習課程、落實在地關懷公民素養,以及培育創新創業能力等案例,進一步提出在高等教育發展趨勢下,未來大學如何透過教學創新、互動體驗方式,促發學生能有感學習,以培養學生能「善用科技」、「自主學習」、「跨域合作」、「公民責任」及「解決問題」的關鍵能力,以打造未來高素質人才。
英文摘要 Faced with the fast changes of AI (artificial intelligence) era, global competition, shifting of industrial and population structure, the transformation of higher education should be more diversified and the developing trends of higher education ought to be analyzed thoughtfully. What the crucial capabilities of university students are and how to generate the strategies to cultivate the high qualification talents must be rethought carefully. Moreover, those crucial capabilities might stimulate students to learn automatically and become life: long learners. This study described the serious impact from future society and the features of higher education transformation in Taiwan. In addition, in the context of Higher Education Sprout Project, which offered digital technology courses, implemented local care citizenship literacy, and promoted innovation and entrepreneurship ability, this study suggested that through the instructional innovation of higher education, university students could solve the problems with technology autonomously and cooperatively, learn effectively in the way of interactive experience, and develop the crucial capabilities of innovative technologies, self-regulated learning, communication and cooperation, and problem solving in order to cultivate high qualification talents in the future.
頁次 018-035
關鍵詞 人才培育 大學社會責任(USR) 高教深耕 教學創新 talent preparation university social responsibility (USR) Higher Education Sprout Project instructional innovation
卷期 319
日期 202011
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020110319002