

篇名 多文本主題式閱讀對高一學生學科閱讀素養之準實驗研究
並列篇名 A Quasi-Experimental Study of Applying Thematic Multiple Texts on Disciplinary Reading Literacy for High School Students
作者 唐淑華(Shu-Hua Tang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討如何根據多文本主題式閱讀的精神以發展一門高一跨領域多元選修課程,並採準實驗前後測設計以了解此課程對實驗組學生在學科閱讀素養表現是否有顯著效果。研究者進入一所普通型社區高中進行教學試驗,並邀請三位校內老師合作(分別為國文科、歷史科、生物科),以設計一門跨領域閱讀教學課程。此課程以課內、外文本作為閱讀基礎,並聚焦在故事體、訊息類文本以及議論文三種文體類型。為了解修課學生之學科閱讀素養表現,本研究在課程前、後收集該班學生及校內另兩個多元選修班級學生(分別由生物科及歷史科老師開授)之學科閱讀理解測驗得分進行比較。並透過期末專題寫作,以了解實驗組學生如何運用課堂所學進行主題式閱讀與寫作。此外,為收集學生對課程的態度與意見回饋,本研究亦在期末邀請學生進行自我評定與接受個別訪談。根據研究發現,篇末乃提出相關建議以提供未來在高中推動多元選修課程之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to develop an interdisciplinary elective course based on the use of thematic multiple texts, and to understand whether there is an experimental effect on students' disciplinary reading literacy. Three high school teachers (in the subject of Chinese, History, and Biology, respectively) were invited to join the study. This course used textbooks and supplementary outside readings as the basis, and focused on three text types: narrative, informational, and argumentative. To understand students' performance, this study collected students’ pre-test and post-test disciplinary reading comprehension scores and chose two other classes as the comparison groups (one offered by other biology teachers, and the other by the history teachers). The final term project was also used as the indicator of their improvement. In addition, this study also collected students' self-assessments and feedback at the end of the semester, and conducted individual interviews with students. Based on the study’s findings, the author provided suggestions for future similar elective courses in high schools.
頁次 027-062
關鍵詞 文體類型 多文本主題式閱讀 跨領域多元選修課程 學科閱讀素養 text type thematic multiple-text reading interdisciplinary elective course disciplinary reading literacy TSSCI
卷期 24:4
日期 202110
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202110_24(4).0002