

篇名 為何消費者喜歡購買油炸食品?—方法目的鏈理論之應用
並列篇名 Why Do People Like to Buy Deep-Fried Foods? − A Means-End Chain Approach
作者 林舜涓(Shun-Chuan Lin) 、陳慧玲(Hui-Ling Chen) 、余梅香(Mei-Hsiang Yu) 、張婷玥(Ting-Yueh Chang) 、蘇家愷(Chia-Kai Su)
中文摘要 食安風暴之後,大眾更關心食物可能引發的危害。在理論上,了解特定食品的危害應該會減少該食品的消費,大眾也都知道常吃油炸食品(如炸雞、鹹酥雞、炸豬排等)會對健康產生危害。然而,觀察臺灣各夜市中生意最鼎盛的攤位不外乎是鹹酥雞、炸雞排、臭豆腐等油炸食品,親朋好友聚會也常買鹹酥雞。為什麼消費者明明了解吃油炸食品對健康有危害,但還是無法拒絕誘惑?本研究採用方法目的鏈理論結合階梯訪談法,對30名科技大學學生與30位上班族進行面對面深度訪談,以探討消費者購買油炸食品的消費者內在價值。訪談結果顯示,食用油炸食品的原因有美味、嘴饞、香氣吸引、生理需求、方便、便宜、心情鬱悶、習慣等,因產生肥胖、心血管疾病、致癌風險、不好消化、膚質狀況差等負面體驗結果而產生罪惡感、矛盾感等價值回饋;但食用油炸食品,消費者也可能產生紓解壓力、與人分享之正面體驗結果,因而產生滿足感與幸福感的內心價值。本研究依據研究結果,對於營養教育之實務提供進一步的建議。
英文摘要 The public’s perceptions of food-related risks are important determinants of food choice and safety practices. Generally, the understanding about specific food hazards affects food consumption. However, though the public are aware that eating fried foods (such as fried chicken) is harmful to health, stalls selling deep fried foods are the most popular in night markets. In this study, we explored why consumers do not reject temptations despite understanding the hazards of eating fried foods. This study used means-end chain techniques to examine whether the personal values of those who consume a high fat diet are reflected through the benefits and attributes they perceive in consuming such food. In order to provide insights into consumers’ intrinsic values pertaining to the purchase of deep-fried products, 30 undergraduates and 30 workers were interviewed using the “soft” laddering research technique to assess means-end chains. The results (ladders) of these qualitative interviews were coded, aggregated, and presented in a set of hierarchical structured value maps. The attributes of deep-fried food were delicacy, craving for food, fragrance attraction, physiological demand, convenience, inexpensiveness, mood melancholy, and habit. States of feeling guilty and contradictory psychological imbalance may occur in consumers’ minds owing to the linkages among the consequences of consuming fried food, such as risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, and obesity; poor digestion; and skin problems. Further, feelings of satisfaction and happiness were linked with the consequences of relieving pressure and sharing with others. Based on these results, this study provides recommendations for the practice of nutrition education.
頁次 061-088
關鍵詞 方法目的鏈理論 油炸食品 階梯法訪談 means-end chain theory deep-fried food laddering interview procedure
卷期 49
日期 201806
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
DOI 10.3966/207010632018060049003