

篇名 文化傳承繪本創作教學研究-以國立高雄師範大學原住民大學生為例
並列篇名 Teaching Research on Cultural Heritage Picture Book Creation - Take the Indigenous Students of National Kaohsiung Normal University as an Example
作者 洪宏(Hong Hong)
中文摘要 文化傳承對於一個族群、國家而言相當重要,但隨著現代化進程的不斷加快,台
英文摘要 Cultural heritage is very important for a nation and a country, but with the development of modernization, Taiwan's indigenous culture is facing the risk of loss. Through a variety of teaching strategies, we can help preserve and re-resonate the culture. The purpose of this study is to explore the integration of cultural heritage into the teaching of picture book creation. With cultural heritage as the creation theme and through multiple teaching strategies, we can guide the Indigenous college students to understand, be close to, and care about cultural heritage, and to carry out the creation of cultural heritage picture books. From the implementation process of the teaching, the learning results of the students in their cognition, emotions, and skills are understood. The data collected from this action research method were qualitative in nature. The research subjects are eight Indigenous college students from The National Kaohsiung Normal University. The results were as follows: (1) Cultural inheritance needs to be carried out step by step, so that students naturally have interest, from passive learning to active inheritance, and at the same time cultivate cultural self-confidence and cultural competency to produce their own sense of cultural identity and pride; (2) Through the teachers' experience of the success or failure of cultural heritage, we should let the students really feel the importance of cultural heritage; (3) Teachers should not only stimulate students' learning motivation, but also play the role of supporters to stimulate curiosity and encourage them; (4) Increasing the frequency of reading books on cultural heritage can broaden student’s vision and deepen the content of the picture book composed; (5) Information technology and teaching resources should be fully utilized in order to create a diversified curriculum with more variety and can improve students' learning effectiveness.
頁次 001-028
關鍵詞 原住民 文化傳承 繪本創作 indigenous cultural heritage picture book creation
卷期 50
日期 202106
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學