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篇名 行知導向三成教育的理念與架構
並列篇名 The Concept and Structure of STMbased Education Guided by “Action to Knowledge”
作者 李坤崇(Kun-Chung Li)
中文摘要 行知導向三成教育乃以中華文化知行合一理論與成功成才成人理念、國外成果導向教育為基礎,融合陶行知、王陽明、荀子、孟子、Dewey、Maslow及Spady等論述,建構具中華特色的教育發展模式。此教育旨在導引學生獲得高峰成果,七層次的金字塔以成功成才成人為願景行以致知與三信三向為前提。學校及院系宜活用三項課程、自主學習與線上學習三項學習機制,掌握學生中心、能力本位、成果導向及持續改進四項理念,善用人人均成功、時時能成功、處處能成功、樣樣能成功及成功再成功五項成功,秉持清楚聚焦、擴大機會、高度期許、反向設計、正向施工及雙創力行六項原則,強化目標定位、課程體系、教學機制、評量體系、教師隊伍、支持條件及邁向高峰七項實踐,為師生鑄魂造夢,建構具特色、品牌的願景。
英文摘要 Based on the theory of the unity of knowledge and practice of Chinese culture, the concept of Success, Talent and Mature (STM) and foreign achievement oriented education, STM-based education guided by “action to knowledge” integrates Tao Xingzhi, Wang Yangming, Xunzi, Mencius, Dewey, Maslow and Spady to construct an educational development model with Chinese characteristics. The purpose of this education is to guide students to achieve peak results. The seven level pyramid is based on the vision of becoming a successful adult, and the three directions of knowledge and belief are the first. Schools, colleges and departments should flexibly use three kinds of courses, autonomous learning and online learning learning mechanisms, master the four concepts of student center, ability standard, result orientation and continuous improvement, make good use of five successes: per capita success, always success, everywhere success, everything success and success again, and adhere to clear focus, expand opportunities, high expectations and reverse direction The six principles of design, positive construction and double creativity are strengthened, and the seven practices of goal orientation, curriculum system, teaching mechanism, evaluation system, teachers’ team, support conditions and moving to the peak are strengthened, so as to create a dream for teachers and students and build a vision with characteristics and brands.
頁次 052-068
關鍵詞 成功成才成人 成果導向教育 行以致知 行知導向三成教育 Success Talent and Mature (STM) outcome-based education action to knowledge STM-based education guided by “action to knowledge”
卷期 319
日期 202011
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020110319004