

篇名 「探究與實作」課程在普通高中自然科學領域實施概況之調查研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Implementation of “Inquiry and Practice” Curriculum in the Field of Natural Science in Senior High Schools
作者 陳世文(Shih-Wen Chen) 、顏慶祥(Chin-Hsiang Yen)
中文摘要 「探究與實作」是十二年國教普通高中自然科學領域新增必修課程,其課程實施概況值得關注。本研究透過課程計畫分析與問卷調查,探討全國195所普通高中自然科學領域「探究與實作」課程之跨科主題統整、課程實施年段、教材使用方式之實施概況,及學校面臨問題與因應策略,提供普通高中課程發展與調整參考。研究發現58%普通高中「探究與實作」課程以「分科」統整為主,課程統整程度宜再提升。90%普通高中在高二實施「探究與實作」課程,教師認為學生應先具高一基礎科學知識,再進行跨科探究會具較佳效果。而67%普通高中採校內跨科方式自編教材而不使用教科書,教師表示教科書會限制教師教學與學生學習。此外,學校面臨教師缺乏教學知能、師資人力不足及教室設備短缺等問題,對此,教師積極進修增能,配合現有師資發展課程並逐步充實改善教學設備。
英文摘要 With the implementation of Taiwan’s Twelve-year Basic Education, “Inquiry and Practice” has been added as a compulsory course in the field of natural science in senior high schools. In this study, therefore, we aim to explore how this new course has been implemented in terms of curriculum integration model, curriculum implementation level, material usage and design, and problems faced by schools and corresponding solutions. The results of the study showed that “Intradisciplinary” was the dominant model of curriculum integration, suggesting that the degree of curriculum integration could be further improved. About 90% of the schools adopted this curriculum in the sophomore year because teachers claimed that students should be equipped with the relevant foundational knowledge in their freshman year before shifting to the interdisciplinary model. With the belief that textbook usage would limit scientific inquiry teaching and learning, approximately 67% of the schools developed their own teaching materials within each individual school’s teacher communities instead of using textbooks. In addition, the schools encountered both internal and external problems that compelled them to come up with different resolutions. Finally, we offer some suggestions for enhancing the curriculum quality of “Inquiry and Practice”.
頁次 135-166
關鍵詞 十二年國教 科學課程 探究與實作 高中教育 12-Year Basic Education science curriculum inquiry and practice senior high school education TSSCI
卷期 24:4
日期 202110
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202110_24(4).0006