

篇名 跨專業醫學入門課程之發展與成效探究
並列篇名 The Development and Effect of an Introductory Course for Inter-Professional Education in the Medical School
作者 洪瑄(Hsuan Hung) 、郭玲玲(Ling-Ling Kueh) 、阮俊能(Jun-Neng Roan) 、蔡景仁(Jing-Jane Tsai)
中文摘要 健康照護專業團隊合作之跨專業教育乃醫學教育之重要議題。目前有關跨專業教育的研究鮮少注意學生的團隊合作學習歷程。此外,跨專業教育為跨科系課程,各科系之學習背景不一,亦為課程設計之難處。本研究開發跨專業醫學入門課程,探討醫學生於跨專業醫學入門課程的團隊合作歷程及成效,以單一學系為對象提出跨專業教育的發展建議。跨專業醫學入門課程共77位醫學系二年級學生參與,由健康照護體系中六個科系及醫學系進行協同教學。研究者分析學生個人學期總成績、小組團隊合作成績,以及個人回顧跨專業醫學入門課程團隊合作經驗的反思寫作。研究結果顯示,小組團隊合作成績較高的組別,其個人學期總成績較集中於高分區;小組團隊合作成績較低的組別,其個人學期總成績則呈現高低不均的分布。此外,學生之團隊合作學習歷程呈現「初始期:著重個人信念」、「轉變期:產生小組信念」及「穩定期:建構團隊合作模式」三個交互作用的階段。
英文摘要 Inter-professional education (IPE) is a growing issue in medical education. However, the implementation of IPE is a challenge for tertiary educators in Taiwan. This study reports on an introductory IPE (IIPE) course for second-year medical students. This study examines the development of medical students’ collaborative competence through IIPE and offers pedagogical improvements for IPE development in the future. The IIPE in the study used a situational task-based learning model to introduce 77 second-year medical students to professionals in the health care system. At the end of the IIPE, students’ individual and group scores and their reflective writings were analyzed to identify themes and explore their collaboration development during the course. Quantitative analysis revealed that the individual performances of the students in the low-scoring groups varied substantially whereas the high-scoring groups performed well on average. Quantitative analysis showed that three stages-initial, transition, and steady stage-interacted to improve medical students’ collaborative competence. The study demonstrates that a situational task-based IIPE course might nurture students’ attitudes, beliefs, and skills in collaborative competence.
頁次 075-112
關鍵詞 入門課程 合作學習 跨專業教育 團隊合作 introductory course collaborative learning inter-professional education teamwork
卷期 15:1
日期 202006
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.3966/199254762020061501003