

篇名 大學校院自造者教育的學習成效分析:以機電整合概論課程為例
並列篇名 Study on Learning Outcomes of Maker Education in Higher Education: Analysis of the Course on “Introduction on Design for Mechatronics Integration”
作者 陳淑敏(Amy Shumin Chen) 、葉隆吉(Long-Jyi Yeh)
中文摘要 本研究探討自造者教育的實施模式,旨在分析學習者的學習成效。此研究實施之課程,為大學校院之工程學院機械工程學系所開設的「機電整合概論」,運用學習者自評、回饋反思和焦點座談等方式,蒐集學習過程和成果的意見與觀感。研究結果顯示,自造者教育既可以強調動手實作,又可以運用動手實作的歷程,促進學習者在相關專業知能概念的進展,能明顯看到學期初的起點表現和學期末的終點表現上的正面成長;其次,透過實作能夠促進學習者了解循線自走車的完成歷程,據以檢視學習者的專業知能實踐和將專業知能展現於學習終點行為之情形。本研究建議指出,個別學習者的心智投入過程、學習障礙和表現、學習動機和態度等因素,可能也會對於學習者參與自造者教育產生不同程度的影響或干擾;再者,自造者教育的教學實施,除了空間、設備和製作等因素,同儕相互支持也具關鍵作用。
英文摘要 Maker education has been prevailed under the rapid and various developments of technology and information in our era. Universities advocate and engage in maker education by providing learning programs, spaces and environments for learners to create multiple products and works. Education for engineer domains emphasizes the outcomes of real and useful products and commodities; therefore, teachers strongly commit in maker education. Maker education points a new approach of teaching and learning which transfers the education principle from the teacher-centered toward student-centered in the pedagogy and curriculum. This article aims at exploring the design of maker education and implementing multiple research methods to discover the learners’ learning experience in a course of “Introduction on Design for Mechatronics Integration” offered by the Department of Mechanic Engineer in a college of Engineer. This study collects the opinions and perceptions of the learning process and results by learners’ self-assessment, their feedbacks on curriculum and focus groups interview. The author conducted data analysis through questionnaires and qualitative methods. The conclusions and suggestions provides based on the research findings and discussions.
頁次 039-073
關鍵詞 工程教育 大學生 自造者教育 課程經驗 學習成效 engineer education undergraduate maker education curriculum experience learning-outcomes
卷期 15:1
日期 202006
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.3966/199254762020061501002