篇名 负重致远:工作压力对“双一流”高校教师科研产出的影响机制与破解之道
並列篇名 Tackling the Challenges to Accomplish Arduous Tasks: The Influence Mechanism of Work Stress on the Research Output of Faculty at "Double World-Class" Universities and the Ways to Solve It
作者 赵平(ZHAO Ping) 、胡咏梅(HU Yongmei)
中文摘要 为调节“双一流”高校教师工作压力、激发教师队伍创新活力,使用微观调查数据,基于个人-环境匹配理论和双因素理论,构建了高校教师工作压力与科研产出的有调节的中介模型。研究发现:“双一流”高校教师普遍面临较高的工作压力,对其论文产出与其他科研产出均有显著的负向影响;对工作本身的满意度和对工作外在条件的满意度在教师工作压力与其论文产出或其他科研产出的关系中均起中介作用,相比对工作本身的满意度,对工作外在条件的满意度所产生的中介效应更大;职称的内部流动性能够有效缓冲工作压力对教师工作外在满意度的负向影响,进而降低对其科研产出的消极影响,尤其是对论文产出数量与质量的消极影响。基于研究发现,对于提升“双一流”高校科研产出的数量与质量、促进高校教师科研创新提出三点对策建议:一是建立支持型的教学与科研环境,采取有效举措缓解教师的工作压力;二是满足教师对工作的内在与外在需求,提高教师对工作本身及其外在条件的满意度;三是提高高校教师职称的内部流动性,结合教师评价改革深化职称制度改革。
英文摘要 In order to relieve the work stress of faculty at "double world-class" universities and boost their innovation, this paper constructs a moderated mediation model of the relationship between faculty's work stress and research output based on Person-Environment Fit Theory and Two-Factor Theory. Using the survey data, the findings are as follows: Firstly, faculty at "double world-class" universities generally face high levels of work stress, which has a significant negative impact on research output. Secondly, both intrinsic job satisfaction and extrinsic job satisfaction play a mediating role in the relationship between work stress and publication and other types of research output; compared with intrinsic job satisfaction, extrinsic job satisfaction better explains the negative effect of work stress on research output. Thirdly, the internal mobility of the title system plays a moderating role in the negative impact of work stress on extrinsic job satisfaction, and has a greater impact on the quantity and quality of publication than on other types of research output. The aforementioned findings have some practical implications for human resources management at "double world-class" universities.
頁次 103-113
關鍵詞 “双一流”高校教师 工作压力 工作满意度 内部流动性 科研产出 faculty at “double world-class” universities work stress job satisfaction internal mobility research output CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學