篇名 地方性文化的力量:张謇教育思想与区域县中繁荣
並列篇名 The Influence of Local Culture: Examining Zhang Jian's Educational Thought and the Flourishing of County High Schools
作者 丁百仁(DING Bairen) 、王毅杰(WANG Yijie)
中文摘要 县中是县域教育的支柱和地方发展的希望所在,但近年来县中的师生与制度结构失去了比较优势,陷入困境。在建设教育强国的蓝图下,县中如何重整旗鼓?本文基于对全国知名县中聚集地——南通市的调查,借助强文化范式框架,探讨张謇教育思想何以成为一种与结构力量互补的地方文化力量助推县中发展。张謇教育思想在改革开放初的南通崛起叙事中被激活,锚定科教兴市的第一战略选择,使政府注意力优先分配于教育,从而塑造了县中的良好外部生态和主体积极实践,两者的适配进而带来区域县中繁荣。从文化社会学视角出发,将县中讨论转向地方性,揭示县中发展离不开由本土社会文化传统和资源产生的强大动力,这为其他地方教育振兴提供了启示。
英文摘要 County high schools historically served as the backbone of local education systems and a beacon of hope for regional societal advancements. Yet, the once advantageous teacher-student dynamics and organizational frameworks of these institutions have deteriorated in recent years, precipitating a multifaceted crisis. In the context of national ambitions to forge a robust education system, the question arises: how can county high schools reassert their significance and vitality? This article investigates the case of Nantong City, a hub renowned for its distinguished county high schools within China. It employs a "strong program" analytical lens to delve into the potential of Zhang Jian's educational thought as a catalyst for local cultural vitality, capable of synergistically interacting with structural forces to rejuvenate regional county high schools. Zhang Jian's educational thought was reignited during the early phases of China's reform and opening-up, underpinning the pivotal strategy of invigorating Nantong through a focus on science and education. This prioritization channeled governmental resources towards educational endeavors, thereby reforming the external ecosystem and internal practices of county high schools. Such strategic adaptations contributed to the sustained flourishing of these schools. Adopting a cultural sociological perspective, this article shifts the discourse surrounding county high schools towards a focus on their "placeness" — the unique social and cultural milieu they inhabit. By uncovering the foundational societal and cultural underpinnings that account for the developmental disparities among county high schools, the study illuminates how these institutions can harness potent, endogenous forces and resources to rejuvenate themselves, providing a blueprint for the revival of county high schools.
頁次 013-021
關鍵詞 县中繁荣 张謇教育思想 强文化范式 内外适配 文化共享 county high schools Zhang Jian's educational thought strong program internal and external adaptation cultural sharing CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學