

篇名 精准在线教学+居家学习模式:疫情时期学生学习质量提升的途径
並列篇名 Precision 0nline Teaching + Home Study Model: a Feasible Way to Improve the Quality of Study for Students during Epidemic
作者 宋灵青(Song Lingqing) 、许林 (Xu Lin) 、李雅瑄(Li Yaxuan)
中文摘要 当前新冠肺炎疫情形势严峻,为积极应对疫情对教育的不利影响,教育部提出“停课不停学”的应对措施。出台的在线教学政策为中小学生“有学上”提供了保障。为进一步提升在线教学质量和学生居家学习质量,该文梳理分析了影响教师在线教学、学生居家学习的因素,根据各因素之间的相互关系,提出了促进学生学习质量提升的“教师—家长—学生”共同体框架模型,并分析其发展阶段特征和指导策略,在此基础上构建了基于班级虚拟共同体的精准在线教学+居家学习模式,希冀可为提升学生居家学习质量提供可行途径。
英文摘要 The current situation of 2019-nCoV is severe. In order to actively respond to the adverse impact of the epidemic on education, the Ministry of Education has proposed a “Classes Suspended but Learning Continue” policy. The online teaching policy has provided a guarantee for continuous learning in elementary and middle schools. In order to further improve the quality of online teaching and students’ home study, this article combed and analyzed the factors affecting teachers’ online teaching and students’ home study. Based on the interrelationship among these factors, the article proposed a “teacher-parent-student” community framework model, analyzed its development stage characteristics and guidance strategies, and based on this, built an Precision Online Teaching + Home Study model based on the class virtual community, hoping to provide a feasible way to improve the quality of home study for students.
頁次 114-122
關鍵詞 精准在线教学 居家学习 学习质量 “停课不停学” 新冠肺炎疫情 Precision Online Teaching Home Study Learning Quality “Classes Suspended but Learning Continues” 2019-nCoV Epidemic CSSCI
卷期 398
日期 202003
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社