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篇名 對話式閱讀對於弱勢幼兒的語言能力之影響
並列篇名 The Effects of a Dialogic Reading Intervention on the Language Ability of Disadvantaged Children
作者 許秀萍(Shiu,Shiou-Ping ) 、蔡宜靜(Tsai,Yi-Ching)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討對話式閱讀對於提升弱勢幼兒語言能力之影響。研究對象為一所公立幼兒園大班的幼兒,參與為期8週的對話式閱讀方案,每週4次,各30分鐘的小組共讀活動。研究結果有以下發現:一、只提供幼兒園共讀介入方案,對話式閱讀策略仍能有效提升弱勢幼兒的詞彙理解能力和口語表達能力;二、對話式閱讀策略與激發幼兒說話技巧可分別提供幼兒在語意、語法和語用能力發展的具體方法;三、在共讀過程中,幼兒發展出描述故事因果關係與討論問題解決辦法的能力。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of dialogic reading on 5-year old disadvantaged children. The participants were from one public kindergarten in southern Taiwan. They participated in an 8-week small group dialogic reading program, with a frequency of four times per week, 30-minute per session. First, the results of the study show that the participants’ vocabularies and expressions were significantly improved by the eight-week dialogic reading intervention. Second, dialogic reading skills can provide opportunities for the participants to develop abilities in semantics, grammar, and pragmatics. Third, in the process of dialogic reading, the participants demonstrated their abilities in describing the relationship between the cause and effect of stories and participating in problem solving discussions.
頁次 061-094
關鍵詞 dialogic reading disadvantaged children language ability 對話式閱讀 弱勢幼兒 語言能力 THCI Core THCI CORE
卷期 33:2
日期 201612
刊名 新竹教育大學教育學報
出版單位 國立新竹教育大學
DOI 10.3966/199679772016103302003