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篇名 国际大型教育质量监测项目中教师因素的监测现状、特点与启示
並列篇名 The Characteristic and Enlightenment of Teacher Factors Assessment in the International Large-Scale Assessment in Education
作者 李勉(LI Mian) 、张平平(ZHANG Ping-ping) 、张彩(ZHANG Cai) 、罗良(LUO Liang)
中文摘要 教师因素一直是国际大型教育质量监测项目中的重要内容。通过对PISA、TIMSS、PIRLS和NAEP四个国际监测项目的分析发现,各大项目教师因素监测框架在内容模块上有相似之处,但监测指标和测查点各具特色;教师因素监测框架表现出稳定性与发展性相统一、学科共通性与学科特异性相统一的特点;教师因素监测结果主要用于了解教师队伍状况和识别出对学生发展有重要影响的教师因素。基于国际监测经验,我国应构建起“政策需求、理论引领、实证支撑”三位一体的教师因素监测框架,监测内容兼顾本土特色同时与国际接轨,通过多渠道收集数据并加强教师监测结果的应用。
英文摘要 Teacher factors have always been an important part of international large-scale assessments in education. Through the analysis of four international assessment projects, including PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and NAEP, we found that the framework of teacher factors in each project has similar content module but different assessment indicators and items. The framework of teacher factors has shown the characteristics of the unity of stability and development, as well as the unity of subject commonality and subject specificity. The results of teacher factors are widely used in the teaching force comparison among different countries and identifying the critical factors on students, development. Based on the international experience, we should build a trinity framework of teacher factors in Chinese assessment, including policy demanding, theoretical guidance and research evidence. The assessment content should reflect domestic characteristics as well as international standards, enrich the data resource, and pay more attention to the application of teachers’ assessment results.
頁次 121-128
關鍵詞 教师监测 国际学生评价项目 国际数学与科学学习趋势研究 国际阅读素养进展研究 美国国家教育进展评估 teacher assessment PISA TIMSS PIRLS NAEP CSSCI
卷期 32:3
日期 202005
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心