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篇名 情緒取向伴侶治療的實務應用:以一方為情緒表達含蓄之伴侶個案為例
並列篇名 The Clinical Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with an In-expressive Partner: A Case Example
作者 劉婷(Liu, Ting) 、洪詩婷(Hung, Shi-Ting)
中文摘要 本文主旨在以一方為情緒表達含蓄之伴侶個案為例,說明情緒取向伴侶治療在實務上的運用,先探討情感表達含蓄與依附類型、華人文化的關聯,再探討情感表達含蓄對伴侶關係的影響,以及情緒焦點取向與情感表達含蓄個案工作之技術。最後以一對處於關係困境中的夫妻接受十四次的伴侶諮商,針對一方為情感表達含蓄之伴侶提出臨床處遇的建議。本研究以情緒取向伴侶治療的三個階段九個步驟為架構,擷取治療對話來說明個案夫妻的衝突減緩、溝通方式改變、以及重建情感連結的過程。介紹情緒取向伴侶治療之治療師在協助情感表達含蓄個案常運用的技術,包括喚起情緒、同理的猜測、加強、肯定、與同理的反映,並對情感表達含蓄的伴侶之個案概念化、目標設定、治療中困難情況的處理有詳細說明。
英文摘要 This paper aims to discuss the application of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) to help with couples through observation of in-expression of emotions in one side of the couple observed. The authors first discuss the relationship between in-expression of emotions and attachment styles, cultural influence on expression of emotions, and the impact of emotional inexpression on couples’ relationship. Later, the application of EFT interventions to work with in-expressive clients are suggested.
The second part of the paper is to demonstrate the application of EFT with the aid of a case study of a couple who have completed 14 sessions of EFT couple therapy. Following the 3 stages and 9 steps of EFT, therapeutic conversations are presented to show the process of cycle de-escalation, change in interaction, and reconnection between partners. In addition, the authors analyze the clinical process from the therapist’s perspective to demonstrate the application of EFT interventions, including evocative responding, empathic conjecture, heightening, validation, empathic reflection. Moreover, case conceptualization, goal setting, and ways to deal with therapeutic impasses are also discussed in detail.
頁次 057-077
關鍵詞 伴侶諮商 情感表達含蓄 情緒取向伴侶治療 couple therapy emotionally focused therapy in-expression of emotions TSCI
卷期 41:2
日期 201911
刊名 輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系