

篇名 以英文為第二外語的臺灣大學生作為回饋者與接受者進行線上同儕回饋之探究
並列篇名 The Online Peer Review: An Exploratory Study on Taiwanese EFL Undergraduate Students as Reviewers and Recipients of Online Feedback
作者 陳怡礽(Yi-Jeng Chen)
中文摘要 本研究探討以英文為第二外語的臺灣大學生在英文寫作課中作為回饋者與接受者進行線上同儕回饋時的三個面向:第一個面向探究臺灣大學生進行同儕回饋時會產生哪些不同類別的回饋方式;第二個面向探討在這些不同類別的回饋方式中,有哪些同儕回饋是可以實際引領學生進一步去改寫第二稿;第三個面向著重在學生對線上同儕回饋的看法。學生以兩人一組的形式針對同伴所寫的英文議論文作回饋。有32位英語程度中等的學生參與此研究,資料蒐集包含學生寫作的第一和第二稿、線上的評語,以及在開放式問卷中學生的回應。研究結果顯示,線上同儕回饋包含以下六種類型:要求更多解釋、指出不清楚的論點、建議、文法改正、反思式對話及批判。在這六種類型線上同儕回饋當中,「建議」和「批判」占了很大部分。不同於之前的文獻,「批判」和「反思式對話」這兩種線上同儕回饋擴充了我們對目前的理解。本研究發現,學生接受「建議」、「批判」和「文法改正」這三種回饋後,會進一步去修改。研究也發現,學生對線上同儕回饋的看法有三個主軸:第一個是同伴的回饋模糊且不具體;第二個是有些學生對同儕回饋的抗拒;第三個是少部分學生對線上同儕回饋抱持接受的態度。
英文摘要 This study investigated the kinds of feedback Taiwanese English as a foreign language (EFL) undergraduate students gave each other, which types of feedback would lead to revision and how these types of feedback were perceived. In pairs they were asked to review their peers’ argumentative essays. Thirty-two undergraduate intermediate EFL learners participated in this study. The data consisted of student essay drafts, online peer feedback posts, and qualitative survey responses. The findings revealed six online feedback categories: (1) request for an explanation, (2) explanation of an unclear point, (3) suggestion, (4) reflective talk, (5) critique, and (6) grammar correction. Suggestion and critique dominated the online feedback. Reflective talk and critique were new categories of online feedback that expanded our current understanding. Suggestion, critique and grammar correction were the three types of online feedback that led to revisions. Out of 32 students, only nine incorporated online peer feedback into the revisions. Three prominent perceptions were found to include vagueness of feedback, defensive and receptive attitudes.
頁次 123-147
關鍵詞 線上同儕回饋 第二語言寫作 學生看法 online peer feedback second language writing student perceptions TSSCI
卷期 13:4
日期 202110
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2021101304005