

篇名 異性戀大學生對同志家庭親職撫養與孩子適應的負向態度之研究
並列篇名 Negative Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting and Children’s Upbringing Among Heterosexual University Students
作者 張德勝(Te-Sheng Chang) 、王采薇(Tsai-Wei Wang)
中文摘要 本研究目的旨在探討異性戀大學生對同志家庭親職撫養與孩子適應的態度,並分析男女大學生對男同志和女同志家庭態度的差異性,以及親職撫養和孩子適應態度二者之間的關係。研究對象為東部某大學學生共420位,男182位,女238位。研究問卷工具有二:「對男同志家庭態度量表」與「對女同志家庭態度量表」。每量表含兩個層面:「不利親職撫養」和「不利孩子適應」,前者指個人覺得同志家庭撫養孩子功能不如異性戀家庭;後者指同志家庭所撫養的孩子,會遭到社會或同儕拒絕、排斥或孤立而產生適應困難。研究結果發現,大學生性別、同志家庭類型、撫養態度層面之三因子交互作用未達顯著。不利孩子適應的分數則顯著高於不利親職撫養的分數;男生對同志家庭不利親職撫養的分數顯著的高於女生;但學生對男同志家庭態度和女同志家庭的分數沒有顯著差異;不利親職撫養層面和不利孩子適應層面達顯著中度正相關,女生的相關係數顯著高於男生。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the gender of the respondent and the gender of the target on heterosexual students’ attitudes toward same-sex parenting and children’s upbringing in same-sex families. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 420 (182 males and 238 females) students. The instruments applied in this study were the Attitudes toward Gay Family scale and the Attitudes toward Lesbian Family scale. Each scale included two factors: Negative impact on parenting, and negative impact on children’s upbringing. The results indicated that students reported higher scores in negative impact on parenting than those in negative impact on children’s upbringing. The male students indicated more negative attitudes compared to the females. There was no difference between attitude scores toward gay families and lesbian families. The correlation between negative impact on parenting and negative impact on children’s upbringing was significantly moderately positive. The correlation coefficients of female students were significantly higher than those of male students.
頁次 047-084
關鍵詞 同志家庭 性別教育 孩子適應 親職撫養 same-sex families gender education children’s upbringing parentin
卷期 23
日期 202105
刊名 教育與多元文化研究
出版單位 國立東華大學花師教育學院
DOI 10.3966/207802222021050023002