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篇名 基于深度学习的中小学生STEAM学习质量评价指标体系构建
並列篇名 Study on the Evaluation Index System of STEAM Learning Quality for Primary and Middle School Students Based on Deep Learning
作者 张辉蓉(Zhang Huirong) 、唐佳欣(Tang Jiaxin) 、杨淏璇(Yang Haoxuan)
中文摘要 以学科整合为特点的STEAM教育正成为国内教育理论研究和实践探索的潮流,而构建相应的学生学习评价指标体系对了解我国中小学生STEAM学习质量现状,提高其STEAM学习效果至关重要。该文基于STEAM教育与深度学习在价值取向、教育目标与教育过程上的高度契合,立足深度学习评价理论,构建中小学生STEAM学习质量评价指标框架,并结合专家意见和建议形成包括“学习动机”“学习投入”“学习结果”3个一级指标、8个二级指标、18个三级指标及56个观测点的中小学生STEAM学习质量评价指标体系,并以指标体系为基础开发测评工具进行了小规模实践应用以检验指标体系的科学性。
英文摘要 As an advanced educational model, STEAM education has been fully studied in theory and practice in China, but the study on STEAM educational evaluation is still in its infancy. The evaluation of STEAM learning quality for primary and middle school students is conducive to an accurate understanding of the situation of their STEAM learning, and then provides feedback for teachers to optimize their teaching, which finally promotes the local development of STEAM education. Based on the high consistency between STEAM education and deep learning in value orientation, educational goals, and educational process, this research referenced the theories of deep learning, clarified the internal relationship between STEAM education and deep learning, and constructed an evaluation indicator system. After consulting some experts and scholars, the research revised and formed the evaluation indicator system of STEAM learning quality for primary and secondary school students, which consisted of three first-level indicators including “learning motivation” “learning input” “learning results”, eight second-level indicators, 18 third-level indicators, and 56 observation points. To test the scientificity of indicator system evaluation, tools were developed to carry out small-scale practice on students’ STEAM learning quality.
頁次 102-109
關鍵詞 STEAM教育 深度学习 学习质量 评价指标体系 STEAM education deep learning learning quality evaluation indicator system CSSCI
卷期 408
日期 202101
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社