

篇名 未来学校教育图景的幻视——对OECD《回到教育的未来》报告的批判话语分析
並列篇名 A Discourse Review of Future Schooling — A Critical Discourse Analysis on OECD Report Back to the Future of Education
作者 李芒(Li Mang) 、石君齐(Shi Junqi)
中文摘要 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)历年的未来教育报告已成为诸多国家的教育政策参考。然而,基于费尔克拉夫的批判话语分析,通过系统考察《回到教育的未来》报告的文本、话语实践及更广泛的社会实践之间被遮蔽的复杂关系,发现OECD所代表的西方国家试图通过未来话语控制教育的发展,以巧妙的篇章结构、语法词汇惑众,巩固和加强OECD自诩的先进性与权威性,限定读者的无知被动身份。报告充斥着恐慌制造和自我推销的广告话语,极力渲染未来的恐惧感,诘难现有教育体系的无能,突显OECD作为全球教育“拯救者”的角色,输出新自由主义意识形态,将教育彻头彻尾地作为牟利的场域,暴露出资本的旨向。实际上,教育具有公益性和奉献性,不能物化为撬动经济发展的杠杆。以技术为中介、由资本市场控制的教育,将会逐步削弱和瓦解国家对教育的控制权。对此,应保持警惕。
英文摘要 The future education reports of the OECD over the years have become the many countries’ educational policy reference. However, this study uses Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) to examine the recent report “Back to the Future of Education”, revealing the hidden complex relationship among the text, discourse practice and wider social practice. It is found that the western countries represented by OECD try to control the development of education through future discourse, confuse the public with ingenious text structure and grammatical vocabulary, build reader’s passive identity and strengthen the authority and “global education savior” role of OECD. The report is full of panic making and self-promotion advertising discourse, trying to exaggerate the fear of the future, heckling the incompetence of the existing education system, exporting Neo liberal ideology, taking education as a profit-making field and exposing the purpose of capital. In fact, education is public welfare, and cannot be materialized as a tool to increase economy. Therefore, we should be vigilant that education mediated by technology and controlled by capital market, will gradually weaken and disintegrate the national control over education.
頁次 007-013
關鍵詞 OECD 未来教育 教育技术 新自由主义 批判话语分析 future education educational technology neoliberalism critical discourse analysis CSSCI
卷期 408
日期 202101
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社