

篇名 教师教育者专业发展何以可能?——基于中国古代哲学“道法术器势”思想的视角
並列篇名 How Can Teacher Educators' Professional Development Be Possible? - On Perspective of Chinese Traditional Philosophy ‘Taoism, Method, Art, Equipment and Power’
作者 康晓伟(KANG Xiao-wei) 、田国秀(TIAN Guo-xiu)
中文摘要 教师教育者一般包括普通教师教育者与学科教师教育者。普通教师教育者与学科教师教育者在专业发展中存在的理论与实践、知与行的割裂,是教师教育者发展乃至教师教育领域中长期存在的普遍的和根源性的问题。如何扬弃普通教师教育者与学科教师教育者发展的优势与不足,是教师教育者专业发展的可能途径。中国古代哲学“道法术器势”的思想为教师教育者的专业发展提供了较强的理论解释力。教师教育者通过将“道法术器势”融会贯通,真正身体力行,最终才会成为理想的教师教育者。同时,相关的顶层制度设计也是教师教育者发展的必要基础,比如,建设集学术学位与专业学位于一体的“教师教育学”学科制度。普通教师教育者与学科教师教育者双方最终要超越“道法术器势”的割裂,实现教师教育理论与实践的双向融合。
英文摘要 As the teacher of teachers, teacher educators include general teacher educators and subject teacher educators. Both of them have professional weakness in teacher education field, and it is great of importance to abandon their weakness and unite their advantages. Chinese traditional philosophy ‘Taoism (道), Method (法), Art (术), Equipment (器) and Power (势)’ provides a robust interpretation for teacher educators’ professional development. Through intermingle 4 Taoism (道), Method (法), Art (术), Equipment (器) and Power (势)’ and practice it by themselves, teacher educators maybe become perfect and outstanding ones. In order to improve professional development of teacher educators, the central government should set teacher education discipline with academic and professional degree; The higher education institutions should build professional teacher education institutions and improve the culture of teacher education; The general teacher educators are supposed to experience the practice of teacher education and push Taoism (道) to intermingle with Method (法) ad Art (术), the subject teacher educators ought to make their academic transformation from Method (法) and Art (术) to 4 Taoism (道)-Method (法)-Art (术)’ .The general teacher educators and subject teacher educators should intermingle ‘Taoism (道), Method (法), Art (术), Equipment (器) and Power (势)’ and make transformation of teacher education research and practice each other.
頁次 064-071
關鍵詞 教师教育者 道法术器势 中国古代哲学 教师教育学科 teacher educator ‘taoism, method, art, equipment and power’ Chinese traditional philosophy teacher educator discipline CSSCI
卷期 33:6
日期 202111
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心